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ladies Win - again

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Nice to see, ladies beat OU 55-47 at OU. Things are looking up, congrats

Watched the game on the OU video feed.  This guy can coach.  OU plays zone in the first half, and we burn them with threes.  OU comes out in a man defense to start the second half, and we work the ball around for layups on our first four possessions.  Marvelous to behold.  Memo to Strollo: Please stand up to the politically correct crowd on our campus and hire only real coaches in the future.  You finally got it right on your third attempt.  See how winning makes us happy.

Strollo and company really deserve credit for this hire because, trust me, there was a great deal of pressure to hire a female for this job. The last two females here, Hill and Martin, were disasters to say the least. Wick is correct--this Boldon is an excellent coach.

Congratulations to Coach, and to the team.

More importantly......for all those so anxious to readily kick Mr. Strollo
in the shins, at any given opportunity.....I say....Ron Strollo loves YSU
as all of us who "CARE".  Good hire, Mr. Strollo.  More power to the
team and Coach Bolden we are cheering for you.


I am not a big fan of Strollo but I will call it the way I see it, in this case it seems that he made a good hire. I am excited that the womans program looks to be on the rise.


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