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The 2011 football season

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All the starters are back on offense.
They are losing people on defense.
Without defense you cannot win.
How do they fix that

I would absolutely agree with the assessment of Cooke.  There is no reason that he should be carrying the ball 30-35 times a game when YSU goes 4 deep at that position.  And next year, Hymes comes into the picture.  Cooke shouldn't get any more than 25 touches a game.  He stays fresh, defenses get a different look and can't key on just Cooke.

Just got done watching the press conference....I really wish Wolford could once say, "we just flat got out coached."  It's always "the process", "strength", blaming it on the special teams.  HELLO COACH, it's your responsibility to have these kids ready to play. 



--- Quote from: YTOWNALUM on November 19, 2011, 08:54:38 PM ---Yeah good call. This sounds so familiar. I think NDSU was a fluke.  We need a coach that is a winner.  Clearly we weren't ready for this game.  Pathetic.

Let's think about it.  Most of the playmakers on this team are heacock recruits.

--- End quote ---

I don't think that NDSU was a fluke, we play in a tough league and anyone that does not bring it's A game can lose on any given day.

I do agree that we were not ready for today's game, happened a couple of times this year. But with that said I really believe that this year was a step ahead of last year and I expect that next year will be better yet.

up 17.. at half....did not ececute in second half....cook catches/that third and three they are going to
the playoffs....missed opportunities...

fan turnout was embarrassing ..!


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