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Committee Agonizes Over Final Picks

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--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 16, 2011, 01:27:09 PM ---It's the media's way to make sure that the CAA gets at least 4-picks. At the very least ...more than any other conference. Like all media, assume it has always been this way. Even though many of us know better. YSU was playing MAC schools on a regular basis, back when the MAC was a good conference, and the Yankee/A-10/Colonial teams spent all season justifying their Ivy and Patriot non-conference schedule.

One thing I may point out. The article quotes from the committee outright tell us that the members from teams in consideration are present during discussions; they are just locked out of the vote. The rules specifically state they are NOT to even be present. Cat is out of the bag!!

--- End quote ---

It is difficult for me not to personally attack him for his clear level of ignorance.  It is sad that he probably has junior writers under him. They are being taught the wrong way to report. At least do a little research and watch some games if you are going to report on a national basis. He's probably too stuipid to be embarrassed.

simply put as an ACT question:

The CAA is to TSN as the SEC is to ESPN.



--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 16, 2011, 01:27:09 PM ---One thing I may point out. The article quotes from the committee outright tell us that the members from teams in consideration are present during discussions; they are just locked out of the vote. The rules specifically state they are NOT to even be present. Cat is out of the bag!!

--- End quote ---

Fan - what am I missing? - the article talks about the App AD being out of the room for 20 seconds and the Montana AD being out of the room for over an hour.

I don't know how to do double quotes, but here is what it says:

If you don't think the committee members are just like us, consider the first year that Jim O'Day, this year's chair for a second straight year, was a member of the committee, in 2008.

An AD isn't allowed to be in the room when the merits of his school's team are being discussed. The Appalachian State AD was sent from the room for, as O'Day remembers, about 20 seconds.

When O'Day, Montana's AD, stepped into the hallway, he was out there for about an hour. He was sweating bullets the way we would.

"I wondered if they had forgotten me," he looks back with a laugh.


--- Quote from: penguinpower on November 16, 2011, 12:31:17 PM ---"We look at everything that's available to us. We look at the polls, we look at the rankings, the ratings, whatever might be available to us. The one valuable thing about sitting together in the room is you have 10 (other) people who are from various parts of the country who might know some things that don't necessarily show on paper. For example, in a certain game, did they miss a key player, did they miss their quarterback, did they miss a running back?"

--- End quote ---
I sure hope they really are going to this level of detail now, but there is no way they did much research when we should have made the playoffs in 2001 (Marshall game) and 2005 (SIU game).

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: ysuindy on November 16, 2011, 02:20:30 PM ---
--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 16, 2011, 01:27:09 PM ---One thing I may point out. The article quotes from the committee outright tell us that the members from teams in consideration are present during discussions; they are just locked out of the vote. The rules specifically state they are NOT to even be present. Cat is out of the bag!!

--- End quote ---

Fan - what am I missing? - the article talks about the App AD being out of the room for 20 seconds and the Montana AD being out of the room for over an hour.

I don't know how to do double quotes, but here is what it says:

If you don't think the committee members are just like us, consider the first year that Jim O'Day, this year's chair for a second straight year, was a member of the committee, in 2008.

An AD isn't allowed to be in the room when the merits of his school's team are being discussed. The Appalachian State AD was sent from the room for, as O'Day remembers, about 20 seconds.

When O'Day, Montana's AD, stepped into the hallway, he was out there for about an hour. He was sweating bullets the way we would.

"I wondered if they had forgotten me," he looks back with a laugh.

--- End quote ---

Good catch. I should have read the entire article. I saw the part where it says they are locked out and assumed they were in the room.


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