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Northern Iowa rallies past Youngstown State 21-17

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--- Quote from: YSUfan21 on November 06, 2011, 11:05:06 AM ---but i think its starting to get close to say YSU is working its way to being back to a powerhouse in FCS

we are just experiance away on D from being a NC contender, too much youth has killed us this year
we have 2 big games left, we win both we could make the playoffs and that much more practice time and another game or 2 will only make us stronger for next year

how many starters do we return next year? i know on D we should only lose 1, not sure on how many on offense

--- End quote ---
You are correct that we need the experience.  We also need another excellent recruiting class, and few more JUCO's to give immediate depth.  I would like to see us get more guys on the DL with a set of book ends that can't be beat.  Kravitz had some bad azz DE's when he was at South Florida.  I could never get over how outstanding they were.  Those guys were two men wrecking crews on every play. 

NI attacked our weakness the secondary time and time again vertically.  They took a shot down field almost every series and got 2 scores out of it.  Kravitz made a major gaffe not once but twice.  He should have brought the heat on the first series to set the tempo and keep the young qb uncomfortable.  Instead he played a base D and let the kid find hiis rhythm and he hit for a score.  Same thing happened on their last drive.  Not having a Kicker to make a 35-45 yd fg hurt us in the first part of the game. If we would have got 3 instead of nothing when we went for on 4th down changed what we would have had to do on our last drive.  Hess had to get 6 instead of 3.  A FG would have won it and that is what wins the close games.  we would have been down 1 instead of 4.  Hess would have had a short field for the win instead of having to do a game winning td drive.

We are were we should be a 6 or 7 win team..

I have been periodically corresponding with Sean Shapiro from the TSN.  I don't normally publish this kind of stuff, because it is more personal that I would normally like to share, but it is important enough that I have the desire to post this just in case the kids read this stuff.  I know that they are into Twitter and stuff like that, which means they could be reading some of the crap that ends up on this board. 

Anyhow,  I have been trying to convince Sean and others to consider YSU in the Top 25 TSN poll.  Not doing this to be an annoying Rah Rah fan, but more to the issue that earlier in the year Richmond, Eastern Washington, and South Dakota were stinking up the Top 25 and taking valuable spots from more deserving teams.  The TSN Poll counts for at large playoff bids, so does the Gridiron Pwer Index (Denny Leibert called it the Grid Power index and left the 'iron' out during the broadcast)  This morning I emailed Sean with my thoughts on the UNI game and pointed to the statistical advantage that YSU had in the box score, as well as the lead changes and the fact that the game came down to a 4th and 1 at the goal with 1:59 in the 4th.  I also mentioned to him that I felt YSU matched up much better than we have in years past. 

He is a pretty nice guy, and he emailed me back this morning stating "It's win or go home for Youngstown State next week against NDSU".  I had to think about it for a few moments and rehash the schedule.....Sean is correct, next week is the big week although that loss didn't help much Saturday.  We still have a mathematical chance to make it in as an at large.  The fact that we are improving each week and the fact that we are extremely competitive in the games we've lost this year helps place us in the discussion.  If we are able to knock off the #1 team in the country next week and beat Missouri State, we would be at the mercy of others, but we could get in the playoffs.

We have to keep in mind that we could end up with 7 division 1 wins and have beaten a ranked Illinois State team.  Knocking out the #1 team in the country who beat a B1G team would cause national attention.  The players have to embrace this opportunity.  They need to play the game of their lives next Saturday.  We have a chance, the playoffs are not out of the question.  Champions get back up when they are knocked down.  They need to show everyone what they are made of the last 2 games of the year.

IAA Fan:
I agree with you power, but this is a place for people to vent as well. Right now, no one would deny that we are further ahead than we thought we would be by season's end. Cheers and jeers ...have to take them both.

Go Guins!!


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 06, 2011, 05:24:46 PM ---I agree with you power, but this is a place for people to vent as well. Right now, no one would deny that we are further ahead than we thought we would be by season's end. Cheers and jeers ...have to take them both.

Go Guins!!

--- End quote ---

For some reason I feel that there are many people that are being overly critical of the coaching staff at this point.  Jon Heacock was a pretty good coach from the standpoint that we were able to reach the playoffs in 2006 (with the arrival of Mason of course) and we played so many teams and had less talent and kept many of the game close and went 8-3 on a few occasions where we missed the playoffs.  An yes he was very good at getting the defense to come around quickly and play above their abilities. 

We now have a new staff and whatever we saw from Tressel and Heacock is not coming back anytime soon.  Some people here need to deal with it.  We are not going to change the philosophy of the new coaching staff.  At the end of the day, the coaching staff sees what we see;  football is not so complex that educated viewers can't see what is going on in a game.  They know that execution in all 3 phases is needed.  I comes down to recruiting and we have some of the best in CFB.  Wolford is still a relatively new head coach from an experience level and he has been improving just as the team has been improving.  I have met him on a few occasions and he is critical of himself and his team and this translates improvement.  What I"m saying is that he learns from his mistakes.  If you had to pick the most improved team in the FCS from the beginning of the year who would it be? I say YSU is in the top 3.  Finally, if you were a coach how would you view playing this YSU team right now at this point in the year?  We are very dangerous and getting better every week. 

Some of the stuff stated is nonsense. 


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