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YSU to the Big East??

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They are going to be looking for 7 "only" football schools.  The Geographic's is right.  Recruiting would be better (more attractive) for big time recruits etc...



We can't afford it. People in Y-town won't pay $10 for a ticket. How will we be able to afford it?

they won't pay $10 to see St. Francis.....but I think they would to see Big East teams....and they would fill up the visitors side...


--- Quote from: Train on October 26, 2011, 09:00:05 AM ---they won't pay $10 to see St. Francis.....but I think they would to see Big East teams....and they would fill up the visitors side...

--- End quote ---
Another hurdle to think about is the 30k seat requirement for a 1BCS stadium.  Funds are always an issue especially with the economy. Where is the $$ going to come from to add onto Stambaugh?  You'd think in the long run with all the travel costs associated with heading to the Dakota's etc.. more butts in the seats at the Ice Castle and the TV revenue's from ESPN for Tues, Thursday night games it would make sense monetarily in the long run. 
 I'll miss the playoff's but in the MVFC if your not 1 or 2 you may not see the playoff's!!  :o

A few weeks ago we talked about delusional UW-Milwaukee fans thinking they had a chance to be part of the Big East for basketball.

You guys are worse than that thinking YSU could play Big East football. 


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