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Post-Game Thoughts?

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Well I've waited to say my piece on this matter so here it goes;

1.  Indy State is a good football team period.

2.  Coaching staff needs a class on preperation.

3.  Pita and Ray you missed a great toast hosted by myself :) Road warriors ROCK!!  8)

GooooGuins!!!!!!!!!! 9-2

IAA Fan:
I think this goes back to something I was talking about previously ...the lack of use with some of our experienced players. I understand what people are saying about the better players need to play, but that can only go so far. You are always going to hope that the newest players are more skilled (or at least as-skilled) as you current starters. This means you are continuing to recruit well. Position coaches are only going to be able to teach "so much". There comes a point when an experienced player is the best coach of young players. Lack of this is what is going to extend the time the coaches will need improve the team.


--- Quote from: YSUGO on September 24, 2011, 07:23:21 PM ---We all need to calm down...Please look at the 2 Deep depth charts and count how many Seniors are in the mix...look at games started etc,,,

The roster was gutted because we needed to upgrade size, speed, athleticism, and look like a FCS team...Wolford is recruiting his a$$ off but this is a 3-5 yr project...and then we should be back in the mix...Indy State will win more than you think..but we have to be patient and let the rebuild happen...

When u have Fresh and Sophs manning aloit of the positions you probably are not going to win championships...

The problem is we got lucky and got an offensive genuis that knows offensive football and can tutor QB's to make the pro's...Montgomery-and Big Ben...this team is improving and growing every week..Hess is what 4 games into his soph year...so again patience ...fans

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Agree 100%. Some folks thinks this stuff happens overnight. It doesn't.

Coach could go the "full JUCO" route and get us better quicker. But that is a slippery slope. After each year or two, the cupboard is bare again. He's trying to find a balance between JUCO's (who can play now and keep us fans happy) and 4 year guys (who will build the solid championship foundation).

And it'll take 4 years minimum. Understand that reality.

With that said, we should see incremental improvement each year. Last year wasn't good. This game wasn't good.

But I can see the talent he has brought in. With patience and support (from us), I think Coach will get there.

Let's stay positive so potential recruits who read this stuff get excited. A player or two can make all the difference in the world.


I am not one of those people that doesn't realize it is going to take time. What bothered me is that we were the better team last Saturday. Had we came to play the way we did against Michigan State, we would have beaten them by more than 2 scores. We shouldn't have lost that game. Take away the 21 spot and we win. We played in a fog. The first 15 minutes. That is in addition to the fact that we almost scored a defensive TD that we fumbled out of the endzone and gave it back. That is a play I blame on youth. That is a play that he will learn from. I know that coach practice ball protection.

The real problem that I had was the fact that we may need this win at the end if the year to have a shot at the playoffs. I believe that we could make some noise in the conference this year. That was an unnecessary loss.


--- Quote from: penguinpower on September 26, 2011, 09:49:37 PM ---Pizza,

I am not one of those people that doesn't realize it is going to take time. What bothered me is that we were the better team last Saturday. Had we came to play the way we did against Michigan State, we would have beaten them by more than 2 scores. We shouldn't have lost that game. Take away the 21 spot and we win. We played in a fog. The first 15 minutes. That is in addition to the fact that we almost scored a defensive TD that we fumbled out of the endzone and gave it back. That is a play I blame on youth. That is a play that he will learn from. I know that coach practice ball protection.

The real problem that I had was the fact that we may need this win at the end if the year to have a shot at the playoffs. I believe that we could make some noise in the conference this year. That was an unnecessary loss.

--- End quote ---

Yep. I pretty much agree.

An unnecessary loss. Gotta win the games you should......and a few you shouldn't, to be great.


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