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Everyone around me stood and yelled on 3rd down at Wolf's urging.

Good for him, he makes me laugh.

The PA system is bad, couldn't hear player's names.  Or the announcer is bad.  You ARE allowed to raise your voice level mr. announcer man.

Let the student trainers, equipment staff, and third stringers work the crowd while the rest of the team focuses on the opposition.  Most folks around me were making noise on thrid down, but most people that come to the games aren't that passionate.  I'm just glad they buy tickets.  I believe the crowd will be louder on the 8th provided we win this weekend.

As head of this program I believe that the energy given by Wolf (i.e. showinig enthusiasm on 3rd down) would rub off more than the water boy trying to get the crowd going.  Of course, the trainers can cheer too,  but their effectievness on the crowd would be deminimus compared to Wolf.

Winning the community and fans over, recieving their support on and off the field is one of the biggest challenges for any coach to overcome.  Winning multiple championships obviously gets their support.  The challenge leading up to the championships seems in active pursuit.

I agree with an upgrade to our sound system and believe that increased volume is a must.

As for our students, last week looked around our average.  I'm not sure splitting the students in half would help at all, but increasing their numbers certainly would help.



--- Quote from: ysuguins4 on September 20, 2011, 01:11:30 PM ---Let the student trainers, equipment staff, and third stringers work the crowd while the rest of the team focuses on the opposition.  Most folks around me were making noise on thrid down, but most people that come to the games aren't that passionate.  I'm just glad they buy tickets.  I believe the crowd will be louder on the 8th provided we win this weekend.

--- End quote ---

Agreed. People will start getting excited, when the game means something. Now understand, I know every game means a lot.....but when we are playing our final league game for the league title......"trust me", folks will show up, get off their butts, and be loud.

We've got to get back to that level. Right now fans have a "slight" interest. Just waiting for the sandcastle to fall....again. They don't want to get their hopes up or invest emotional energy until they know it will be reciprocated with wins and titles.

It's a bad way for the fans to think. It's a chicken or egg thing. Fans must support FIRST. Then they get their "title". They unfortunately want the "title" first.....until they start getting off their azzes and start cheering.

If I knew how to post an image to this site I would show all of you the picture I took last year of a woman crocheting in the stands...need I say more...


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