YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

ILS Post-Game

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We will need to get better all around in order to have a shot at the conference title.  I enjoy watching the offense.  It can look like a well oiled machine at times.  It is really nice to watch us play without all of the penalties that we would have to endure in the past.

The coaching was a glaring difference between what I witnessed during the Ohio State Vs Miami game.  Someone hired Ray Finkel......I mean Luke Fickell.......and they looked inept in comparison to the level of execution the Penguins have displayed over the last 3 weeks.

Heard a guy at church this morning say that every time they showed Luke on TV his facial expresion reminded him of Adam Sandler!! Shame I know what color gum he was chewing.  ;) Was not able to make it back to Ytown from Cbus, but was able to order season pass on the net....pretty cool! First half O looked OUTSTANDING!!!


My wife thought he was Adam Sandler. ???


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