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Interesting quote from coach W

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He has recruited better players. His talent level has gone up. His legacy will be determined by "his" guys.
He's not here to win a popularity contest. Although I agree that being "empathetic" and being "tough" are not mutually exclusive character traits. Most great coaches manage "both". Many a wise man would say that you can "catch more bees with "honey" than you can with "vinegar".

Let's hope that "piss and vinegar" translates to on-field production. I think it will. I hope it happens. Coach Reno at Steubenville (who has had a pretty nice career) always said......"Their are those that are humble......and those who are about to be humbled".

Let's go Guins!!!


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on August 23, 2011, 06:20:26 PM ---
--- Quote ---“If you look at the big picture, we’re gonna do what’s best for the program,” Wolford said. “If things are even and you’ve got a guy that’s going to be around here three or four years and another guy that’s only going to be here for another year or two, he’s had his opportunity. “If you’re gonna let someone come in and take your job, then that’s on you. You’ve got to live with it.”
--- End quote ---

What is your opinion? I absolutely do not agree with this statement. If two people are even ...you go with the seniors (then work your way down). Anything else can be misinterpreted as favoritism to your recruits over the previous coach. If you have a player that has been "busting his backside" for 4 or 5 years ...he deserves something in return. One loyal deed deserves another. Again this is only if the two in question are 'even'. Because what will happen is that you will lose players & will have no depth. Tressel and Heacock had 8 starting guards/tackles, and two centers on offense. They even rotated starters many times. Sure skilled positions are different, but if you expect to attract players away from larger program offers ...you had better be prepared to hand over the "keys to the city". To put this ins NFL terms ...No one is going to take a signing bonus in lieu of a salary. Do you think Pat Devlin transferred to Delaware, or Bo Levi transferred to Eastern Washington for "a chance" to play? That football was in their hand before they even set foot in camp the first time.

Am I seeing this incorrectly?

--- End quote ---

I agree with him.  I believe this was one of Heacocks faults.  He had better talent sitting on the bench because he was loyal to his upper class men.  Just because your a SR. that don't mean it's automatic you play.  Football is a team sport.

Nova is absolutely correct.

IAA Fan:
I am not trying to create controversy ...I just did not agree with Wolf on this topic and we need something football to talk about for a couple weeks, or we will go crazy.  fb

I agree with Nova and Red, but only to a point. Most players come in and are pretty beat-up by the end of their career ...there is no pro future for 99% of all players ...they deserve something. Again, the word "equal" was used, and everything else being equal ...rank has to have it's privileges or they will not stick around. Then you lose your back-ups (poor depth). Then word gets out & you lose your recruits (poor team). You do not honor underclassmen on senior day. Good point that coach W could be using the word "equal" for the players, but we need back-ups that are "chompin at the bit" to play. A young guy has reason to wait for his chance to play, a senior does not, and he certainly will not be very "hungry". Not to mention that your upper class-men do most of the coaching on a team, as they have experience that a coach cannot teach. I do not want to be fielding a team of "rookies" every year. We did this last year, and this; we need to take the field with veterans at some point.  Are we trying to build a winning team ...or a winning program?


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on August 24, 2011, 09:55:06 AM ---I am not trying to create controversy ...I just did not agree with Wolf on this topic and we need thing to talk about for a couple weeks, or we will go crazy.  fb

I agree with Nova and Red, but only to a point. Most players come in and are pretty beat-up by the end of their career ...there is no pro future for 99% of all players ...they deserve something. Again, the word "equal" was used, and everything else being equal ...rank has to have it's privileges or they will not stick around. Then you lose your back-ups (poor depth). Then word gets out & you lose your recruits (poor team). You do not honor underclassmen on senior day. Good point that coach W could be using the word "equal" for the players, but we need back-ups that are "chompin at the bit" to play. A young guy has reason to wait for his chance to play, a senior does not, and he certainly will not be very "hungry". Not to mention that your upper class-men do most of the coaching on a team, as they have experience that a coach cannot teach. I do not want to be fielding a team of "rookies" every year. We did this last year, and this; we need to take the field with veterans at some point.  Are we trying to build a winning team ...or a winning program?

--- End quote ---

If they're that beat up then they need to be on the bench.  I'm not sure what you mean by "they deserve something".  They are paid to perform via scholarships. If all is equal then the under class men should get the nod since he's going to get better.  The JR/SR seems to be peaked out.


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