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Travis William LB Miami Hurricanes Transfer to YSU

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You never know how a player will turn out.  The Rivals and scouting websites get it wrong more often than not.  There are so many factors with kids..........not only the players around them, but where their head is at and how hard they are willing to work in addition to their natural athletic ability and how well it was being developed in HS.  Not including their attention to detail and ability to learn new plays and adapt to faster play while not fearing injuries or becoming a head case when they fail or get outplayed.........for some the first time in their careers.

What I like about the kid's statement in the article is that he claim to be following the rules as an upstanding citizen.  I like the fact that he states he does not want the label of being on drugs and stated that he would take a test.  He may have been hanging out with the wrong crowd and learned a few things.  When I was younger, I did the same thing and learned, so I can see where he is coming from and respect it.

IAA Fan:
Okay. Here is all I could find out:

1. Of the 4 asked to leave ... Williams (and another HS Friend from the ACC, VA Tech) both accepted offers from Hampton. The friend was dismissed after an altercation related to a DUI. There could have been a change & Williams is coming here. If that is so, I would assume they are both coming.  There is also an LB from Miami (OH) that has left the program. He has 4-years left to play & he is from Plantation City, FL. This could be the individual coming here. Hampton has it on their site already from a couple weeks ago. Here is the local paper's article:


2. Devont'a Davis does have a copy of transcripts at YSU.

Hopefully there is more tonight.

It would be appropriate to give any young man a second chance. To any youngster.......who made a bad decision out of HS......If you play your cards right you can have a great career and get a shot at the "League" with a great career at YSU.

If however, you are another Sir Demarco Bledsoe......who came in from TCU and thought he was "all that".......well then, your stay here will be short.

"WHO NAMES their kid "SIR"......anyway?......a red flag there, wouldn't you agree?

Wake up folks!!!!!!

As a potential YSU football player.......Be a team guy and leave any ego you may have at the door........all eyes are on you and we don't care where you came from. We know football in this area.

Produce for a great staff and program. Then you can "brag" and "style" when your name gets called in the NFL.

First things first......

Don't be another stupid casualty of the thinking......."I came from the 'U" or wherever.....and I'm better than you. You'll have a real short stay here if that is your mentality. Because when you get here, you'll be surprised to find the talent level the "Guins" have. Most of who were "over looked" at bigger programs. You may move from 2nd team at your current school  to 3rd team at YSU.......So come prepared!

Right now, you have 100% support. Maximize that....grow it to 125%. Don't screw it up to 20%.

Be "the guy" for 2-3 short years. Then do what you will . Take advantage of a great opportunity.

A word to the wise is sufficient.

Are you WISE ...??

IAA Fan:
That should be required reading Pizza ...great post.


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