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2011 Guins predicted to finish 8th...!!!

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does anyone know where allen jones is going..?...

At this point I would rather be #8 then #1, no target on our back, After we knock off a couple of league foes folks will know


--- Quote from: guinpen on August 02, 2011, 08:16:47 PM ---At this point I would rather be #8 then #1, no target on our back, After we knock off a couple of league foes folks will know

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--- Quote from: Wick250 on August 01, 2011, 04:26:22 PM ---If the defense develops and can be labeled as "average," we will be very competitive against any FCS opponent.  If the defense develops and can be labeled as "good," we will win and win big.  What media types and opponent sids over 500 miles away think should be of no concern or interest to us. 

We played last season with a freshman quarterback and a sophomore/freshman tandem at running back, and we put up record breaking numbers.  Those guys should improve.  Sure no receiver has asserted himself yet, but we all realize that running the football is the key to great success.

Do these coaches impress you as the kind of individuals who will put up with the shoddy defense that we experienced last season?  That is not the impression I have.  I will be shocked if our defense is not at least average, and they probably will be good. 

Finally, consider the level of talent that Wolford inherited and then look at the credentials of the players in this program now.  It's coming, and it will start this year.

--- End quote ---

Yes Sir.....that's how i see it. It's just common sense.

As has been gospel for 100 years in football,,,

It all depends on the O and D lines.

I am  troubled  by the fact we have to go the JC route most years to get those linemen.  Always plugging holes with kids who have played against questionable competition.

We have to start developing our young HS recruit linemen.


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