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Allen Jones

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 :) Frees up a scholly for a position where we need players. I wish Jones all the best in his future endeavors'


--- Quote from: Wick250 on July 24, 2011, 11:25:59 PM ---When we start to lose quality players at other positions because they can not get on the field, we will truly be all the way back.

--- End quote ---

Great way to look at it. A good problem to have.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on July 24, 2011, 11:25:59 PM ---When you are a sophomore and find yourself behind a junior who just made a pre-season All-American squad, your prospects look bleak.  There was no way any school at our level could stockpile so much talent at one position.  When we start to lose quality players at other positions because they can not get on the field, we will truly be all the way back.

--- End quote ---

You mean guys like this?



Not quite guys like that.  That was back in the day when Tressel still associated with the common folk, and I remember him telling me that he hated to lose Wood but that the kid just wanted to return to the western culture.  Glad that he became so successful and also glad that he still honors his accomplishments from his brief stay with us. 

Any word on where Jones will end up? Another 1-AA? Maybe a minimum scholarship 1-AA like Robert Morris? Maybe D2 Slippery Rock.....or D3....He could be a star at Mount Union if they could find someone to cover the "other half".

Any ideas?


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