YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Players Caught

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--- Quote from: penguinpower on July 18, 2011, 03:57:36 PM ---Poland players never pan out anyway.  They all quit when the going gets tough.  Look at the track record of thier FB players over the last 10 years.

--- End quote ---
Truer words have never been spoken. And it just isn't football with the Poland "athletes." Also men's bkb (Fender) and women's bkb (Gaudiose) who were quitters.


--- Quote from: penguinpower on July 18, 2011, 03:57:36 PM ---Poland players never pan out anyway.  They all quit when the going gets tough.  Look at the track record of thier FB players over the last 10 years.

--- End quote ---

Where did this come from?

Maybe it is time for this thread to just go away

It would appear that the source got the rumor from the Poland metropolitan area.  Read into it.

This rumors is just sad to read.  Please remove this item from the board.  I don't believe that a "booster" would come out and say these things with out some proof (name names).  Let's see, maybe I can start one myself by saying the Pete the Penguin and Penny are now separated and seeking a divorce. A "booster" told me this while fishing at Lake Glacier.

I am not one for censorship, but when someone posts this kind of unsubstantiated bullsh**, I would recommend taking it down.  This type of post is not constructive to the kids, the football program, the athletic department, and the university. 

This is the same crap that SI, Yahoo, and ESPN publishes.........unsubstantiated rumors that they claim as investigative reporting.  Please take it down


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