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Example of what is wrong

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Lecter you will love this!

Bob Schieffer actually does a nice job in this clip, asks some tuff questions, but of course Mrs Pelosi shows us all what is wrong with politics today. Blames Bush for the debt, blames the R's for nothing getting done this year, says we need to "work together", funny where was that thinking when the D's were in total charge? I really like the segment that starts about the 2:54 mark. Bob quotes Nancy on her quotes from 2005 when she said that Bush was to blame for high unemployment and gas prices, then Bob asks her if the same should apply to BO since gas prices and unemployment are higher now. Of course her answer was why worry about the past.

What a hoot!

Typical socalist. What a piece of work.

I'm a yellow dog Democrat (i.e. if the party ran a yellow dog, he (or she) would get my vote. The Republican party of today is rapidly becoming the enemy of the middle class, the poor, the elderly, anyone outside of the well heeled upper crust. This republican love fest is bizarre. guinpen and hlector, get a room. 


--- Quote from: pen4life on June 26, 2011, 11:43:18 PM ---I'm a yellow dog Democrat (i.e. if the party ran a yellow dog, he (or she) would get my vote. I rest my case - truly amazing The Republican party of today is rapidly becoming the enemy of the middle class, the poor, the elderly, anyone outside of the well heeled upper crust. Sounds like you have bought into that class envy thing This republican love fest is bizarre. guinpen and hlector, get a room. Get a room, heck I don't even know hlecter!

--- End quote ---

It's not class envy, there isn't much that is enviable about a bunch of self centered sociopaths motivated by greed and power. It's more like fear, class fear. I fear for this nation when half the republican governors secretly run off to grovel at the feet of the Koch brothers to get there marching orders, when 299 top CEO's  "earn" as much as 100,000 laborers, when a well known capitalist fat cat says "sure there's a class war and we are winning". I fear politicians that are owned by the highest bidder and a media that has forgotten that their job is to dig for the truth and report it. For much of our history America was divided into 2 classes the rich and the poor. There was no significant middle class. Those days were hell for laborers when the leading cause of death for working age males was industrial accidents. But it was a golden era for the robber barons who exploited the human and material resources of this nation. The advent of unions leveled the playing field somewhat. And men like Henry Ford who asked who's gonna buy the crap we make unless we pay them a decent wage added to this trend. But the rich never really liked this middle class and longed for a return to the way it was when workers were poor and desparate and would work long hours in dangerous(cheap or as we say today cost effective) conditions for low wages or better yet company script that's only good at company stores. Our politicians and sadly most are republican have been bought by these robber barons of today and hence have become the enemy of the middle class. If you are a member of this capitalist elite, I understand why you would embrace the republican agenda. But if you are not, it is time to realize that these people are not your friends and do not have the best interests of our nation at heart. Corporations have no national allegiance and privatization is a road to ruin and enslavement.   


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