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Penguin Nation:
Using this thread to attack President Bush. Pathetic.


--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on May 30, 2011, 11:14:57 PM ---Using this thread to attack President Bush. Pathetic.

--- End quote ---

It's what Democrats do.  It is their purpose in life.  Obama does no wrong.  Bush is one of the few ex-presidents to defer to the current prez's agenda without the bashing comments.  (See Carter, see Clinton). 

Totally disgusted with the state of politics and administration in this so-called "valley" (there can't be a "valley" without mountains as a very sage person once told me).

If the middle east eventually becomes mostly democratic (and the signs are huge that is going to happen), then Bush's efforts at the start of that insurrection will have his legacy as one of the greatest achievements of the modern world.

He spent way more than he should have but that was throwing bones in the direction of lunatic left wingers, especially Dodd and Frank.  W was way too liberal, not a true Reagan conservative.
Look out when Obama gets booted, or even term-limited--You will find a new wave of fiscal conservatism that will make your head spin, because there is NO DOUBT the president that follows Obama will be a Conservative Republican.

Look--I could care less about politics (seriously) but my reference is to CNN article dated 1/18/09 which, in the last days of Bush's presidency, showed a poll of American people (both parties) showing 68% feeling Bush's 8 years in office as a failure and 31% viewing it as a success. So it ain't just me folks. The analogy was to show the comparative presidencies of Cochran and Bush, IN MY OPINION. No politics involved.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on May 30, 2011, 10:15:06 PM ---They are now after Pryor, and his suspension is supposed to come tomorrow. Two cars.

--- End quote ---

I do not recall the make/model, but I guess that Pryor showed up to some meeting in a nice one, talk show host made the comment that Pryor must know he was done so he did not care if he was shown driving it.

There was film on ESPN last night of TP driving a 300Z AND rolling through a red light.


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