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Jim Tressel

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Coach was a good man ...his loyalty and anybody that knows coach he tried to fix this and keep it the family..ESPN got what they wanted they have been gunning for him since they paid Clarett 100k..to be a rat..Ray Small Rat 2, was always in the doghouse  We will soon find out that Pryor was a bigger piece of crap than we already knew.....Beanie Wells said it well today  on twitter

Do they not understand that only society will suffer more not having a Jim tressel around! He's more than a coach to alot of guys !  Alot of the players that came thru OSU are like myself and don't come from the ideal situation and when u have a guy like tress that steps
In as a father, mentor, friend and teacher! It only helps the maturation process from a boy to man! And that alone is worth more than winning football games It's not his fault at all that he had a few go stray out of hundreds!!! U check the success rate of the people that have been around him!!

That was what tress was about,,.not the crap that ESPN keeps saying over and over..$ 15000 in memorbillia and some tattoo's caused this and tress lied and payed the price...her didnt run like Pete Carroll...Auburn wins a National Championship whose QB was shopped by his dad for money and they both claimed that neither knew what the other was doing,,,Seriously ..Again Tress got what he deserved..Tomorrow we will find out what dirt they got from Tress's Youngstown days...

http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=1920867 a good linkfrom 2004

According to what I read, there are new allegations from his days at YSU in the SI article which may be released online tonight.  OSU's bball program is being targeted also.  It is rumored that up to a dozen more players were involved in tatgate and also traded memorabilia for drugs.  The Dispatch justput out that the NCAA is digging deeper on Pryor



--- Quote from: YSUGO on May 30, 2011, 07:22:57 PM ---It's not his fault at all that he had a few go stray out of hundreds!!! U check the success rate of the people that have been around him!!

--- End quote ---

He is not out of a job because a few players went astray, he lost his job because he lied and tried to cover stuff up. He could control that.

Just read the SI story.  About the only thing "new" regarding YSU is that Tressel fixed a few of Ray Isaac's traffic tickets.   If that is the only new "revelation" about YSU, I am thrilled.

Comments from Dr. Cochran, reference to Pauline Saternow.  On the front page at si.com

Sorry Indy--didn't see your post here and started a new thread.


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