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Jim Tressel

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I agree with you quinpen.  Every college football player in D1 and D2 must sign a NCAA compliance form.  If they do not, they are not cleared to play.  simple as that.  Those are the rules and everyone associated with college football knows that - especially the coaches!!  The fact that Tressel would sign his compliance form KNOWING that he had players that were not compliant and, allowed them to sign those forms is WRONG!  No other way around it.  It's unfortunate that he has to lose his head coaching position at OSU because he covered up what those few players took upon themselves to do what was completely wrong.  Does he deserve this punishment - absolutely!  Yes, I am sure this happens more times than not - but he got caught.  They need to catch them all.  Maybe NCAA will crack down and really start coming down on these players and coaches that have the arrogance (sp) to get away with this.  College football is a billion dollar business.  Bottom line is it was more important for him to cover up for his "star" then do what was right which was to turn Pryor and the other players in the moment he found out about it.  It's a shame! But maybe this is a wake up call.

OSU needs to fire Gee and Smith.  Those players involved especially Pryer need to get out of dodge and leave Columbus. 

I gave money to football players.

I bought them food and drinks.

I employed them.

A few of them drove my cars.

When should I resign?  And from what?

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: YsuPride on May 31, 2011, 10:13:50 AM ---OSU needs to fire Gee and Smith.  Those players involved especially Pryer need to get out of dodge and leave Columbus. 

--- End quote ---

Right on Pride. Make a real statement. I think Pryor is gone, but the rest need to go as well.

By the way, did you notice that every time SI/ESPN/CNN mentions Tressel, they bring up the worst coach in football (in terms of NCAA violations). Urban Myer? My gosh if the NCAA spent one day in Florida, there would be no football there for the next 20-years.


--- Quote from: HLecter on May 31, 2011, 02:26:05 PM ---I gave money to football players.

I bought them food and drinks.

I employed them.

A few of them drove my cars.

When should I resign?  And from what?

--- End quote ---
Don't you have to work first before you can resign??


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