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Jim Tressel

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On thr front page of The columbus Dispatch. Jim Tressel resigns as Ohio State coach.


IAA Fan:
It was coming. I will say one thing before this is "spun" in every direction ...wake up America ...your media is too powerful. People ignore their control in politics, but now that it impacts something they care about, maybe they will have a moment of clarity. This all started back when OSU told ESPN they were not welcomed for the Michigan game almost 10-years ago. It started back when Tressel mentioned Christian faith 10-years ago. I still find it impossible to believe how insignificant his offense truly was. Also, coach H going to Kent was a sign.

The so called student athletes are a big part of the problem.  There is no way the coaching staff can be a father/mother to all those kids nor should they be.  It is an honor to get the rings/pants etc and they are selling it. That is something you keep for life. I still have my Varsity Letter from High School.  Shows how little it means to them.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on May 30, 2011, 10:02:52 AM ---It was coming. I will say one thing before this is "spun" in every direction ...wake up America ...your media is too powerful. People ignore their control in politics, but now that it impacts something they care about, maybe they will have a moment of clarity. This all started back when OSU told ESPN they were not welcomed for the Michigan game almost 10-years ago. It started back when Tressel mentioned Christian faith 10-years ago. I still find it impossible to believe how insignificant his offense truly was. Also, coach H going to Kent was a sign.

--- End quote ---

If the offense was so insignificant then Tressel should have done his job and informed his compliance staff.  He knowingly played ineligible players and then lied to the NCAA.  Don't give me this is the media's fault.   I call total BS on that comment.  Jim Tressel lied - the man who preached integrity showed none. 

Sports Illustrated is coming out with something later today.   I hope YSU doesn't get dragged through the mud any more - hopefully they haven't found anything else other than what we already know - our convicted felon trustee and our jury tampering quarterback.

IAA Fan:
Indy. I would never deny what was done. However, do you think that many (and I mean many) others did not know about this? I will agree with you in hoping that it does not come back on YSU, as that is my primary concern. There has to be lot's of dirty laundry ready to be aired now, or OSU would lose much of their fan base. Believe me, the university does not want coach T to be another "Woody" in the eyes of the consumers ...errr um fans. Also, today is the last day for season ticket renewals. So most of the money is in.


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