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Baseball vs. WSU


IAA Fan:
Friday's schedule at the 2011 Horizon League Baseball Championship has been delayed due to wet conditions at Nischwitz Stadium. Today's first game between Milwaukee and Butler will start at noon, and every other game will start 45 minutes after the conclusion of the one preceding it. Youngstown State's game against Wright State is scheduled to start at approximately 6 p.m.

The issue here is that if we cannot knock-off the Raiders, and UIC defeats Valpo (which is likely) ...we have to play a very late second game tonight against Valpo ...loser eliminated. A win would give us a night off, and a game tomorrow afternoon. The latter would bring Klein back into the picture. After 8 innings, he may not be ready to see any action today. I have not seen the line-up sheets, but I would imagine that we would have Turosky starting if we need the third game tomorrow ...but we may go with Klein in game-3 if we lose game-1 and have to play 2-games tonight. Turosky can throw relief, and so can Crist in a pinch.

IAA Fan:
well, I really thought we could take these guys, but even if we had a bullpen, we would have been down 5-zip. On the bright side, Valpo knocked-off UIC ...giving us only 1-game today.


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