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First Real Mention of the new Soccer Complex

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That is a good question.  In the article, the university stresses the need for a "regulation" soccer field, wide and without a crown.  So is the Ashland facility "regulation?"  If so, would there be room across Fifth Avenue for something that long and that wide?  I guess we will have our answers shortly.

i found this nugget on the internet concerning samfords new soccer facility..........

Samford University dedicated its new track and soccer stadium Friday, April 22, hours before student-athletes christened it with Southern Conference track and field championship competition.

Athletics director Martin Newton, acknowledging that the university provides an excellent “broad-based education and athletic experience for all Samford students,” noted that athletics is sometimes called the “front porch to a university.”

 “We are proud to have this front porch on Lakeshore Drive. It will contribute to helping Samford student-athletes compete at the highest level in the Southern Conference,” said Newton.

The complex, which includes a nine-lane track with a regulation soccer field inside the track, is located just across Lakeshore Drive from the campus.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on May 17, 2011, 03:26:37 PM ---So is the Ashland facility "regulation?" 

--- End quote ---
I believe it is.


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