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Bob Hannons letter to the editor

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IP- what is your point?  What I'm saying is that there are clear agendas with ESPN. Do you really believe that Tressel commited a crime?  ESPN is sensationalizing an event that shouldn't even be news at the expense of a person. Just like the Nazi SS.....propaganda spin machine. The whole topic is a non-news issue. Tell me if you believe that student athletes across all of the universities in America are better than the ones at OSU. You are dealing with a social problem across the US. Tell me that this doesn't occur at other universities.  Tressel is a FB coach, not the kids parents. But all college coaches are responsible for the kids they recruit. Why?  They are adults aren't they?  But he takes care of his family there as well as what he did here. Did he commit a crime?  I think not. If your child was involved, would you want ESPN telling everyone the situation while the criminal drug dealer was free to retaliate?

I am calling it as I see it and I have data to back up my response.

What does ESPN, the SEC, or Cam Newton have to do with Tressel trying to cover-up and lie to the NCAA about the players. Whatever bias ESPN may have against O$U, real or perceived, doesn't alter the facts. He lied to the NCAA. And they don't like that. I am a Tressel fan as well (certainly not as fanatical as some of you), but the facts are the facts.

Give me a break, ESPN, SEC, Auburn, Alabama, he is a nice guy, he is a good coach, he did not commit a crime, he is not a saint, he made a bad decision, he broke a rule, he lied, he is a big boy, he will pay the price, life will go on.

The "agenda" is that they enjoy reporting dirt on a coach and program that paints themselves as above all of the crooked nonsense. If he was truly scared for his players' safety he would have hired them security. The only thing he was scared of was losing the Sugar Bowl.

When you act like you are running a clean program and like you are an innocent schoolboy, you better be prepared for the onslaught when something happens, no matter how minor it is. The other programs avoid it because their coahes don't act like they are innocent kids. Everyone knows they are all crooked.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: ItalianPenguin on May 04, 2011, 08:06:27 PM ---What does ESPN, the SEC, or Cam Newton have to do with Tressel trying to cover-up and lie to the NCAA about the players. Whatever bias ESPN may have against O$U, real or perceived, doesn't alter the facts. He lied to the NCAA. And they don't like that. I am a Tressel fan as well (certainly not as fanatical as some of you), but the facts are the facts.

--- End quote ---

I never said that it did not matter, or that coach T did not cover up. The topic rolled toward ESPN, and I told what I thought started it all. Has nothing to do with ghetto kids that should be in some other venue (aside from college) in an attempt to play in the NFL. Neither does it change the fact that ESPN is what ESPN is (ABC, and in control).

This all makes a huge difference IP, and ESPN is a "major" player in the direction this will go. The members of the NCAA do not sit in a closet all day, and come out when called upon to administrate. They sit in that closet and watch ESPN all day, just as politician's pay teams of people to watch the news, read newspapers, and scour the internet for them. Since there is only one real sports channel ...their opinion very much matters ...and they take advantage of it..


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