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Bob Hannons letter to the editor

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IP...just like the way the dots look...But thanks for the kind response...i think we all know that you think your...doesnt stink....but maybe in time you will mellow out...but i doubt it...

As for JT..yes he is gone and really I dont care...but the guy put Youngstown State on the map and that will never change...I am glad we had him and  enjoyed some great football.

Tress was always good with me.  I coached his daughter for two years high school,  so he had to me nice to me 8)

Like the guy.

My son L-O-V-E-S him so that shapes my opinion also.

Tho some of us do not care (as a poster said) and some of us care that posters use
.......between words.......I find it sort of apalling that people who care so deeply about
YSU, could care less of what is going on with Tressel.  Sorry, not for my concern that
it is Ohio State (could not care LESS)..........(Sorry IP)...all I know is Jim Tressel was
and always will be someone who brought pride to YSU, can't help what has transpired
since he went to Columbus.  No matter what decisions are made for him down the road,
I'll still be grateful for the years of respect he brought to YSU.

We, those of us who post here, have not written the final chapters of our lives.  Be very
careful........sometimes when you spit up in the air, it comes back to smack you in the face.

Pita--don't know what you want us to do. Telling you we're proud of what he accomplished here. That isn't debatable. But he's in trouble at O$U because he lied and tried to cover something up. He brought it on himself--can't pretend like it didn't happen.

 :-\ I 'm feeling sorry for Mr. Tressel.  To compete at the highest level of Division 1 football both FCS and FBS you're forced to play dirty politics and turn a blind eye to the NCAA and its rules to be in the top tier.  Tress got caught, lied end of story.   He'll pay.  Who know how bad it will be but I'm sure it may be as bad as costing him his job as the HC at The Ohio State.  :o  I'm hoping for the best for Tress and his family.  Bottom line: The new way of doing business and NCAA football needs to be addressed.


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