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Watts Center

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South Beach and I were inspecting the work in progress at the Watts Center today.  Our comments when we entered the building was a HOLY COW and a WOW! It is Spectacular!  Reminded us of the University of Kentucky's "Blue Barn". The Watts is huge. What an asset it will be for us. We were dwarfed by the size and space. All of the netting is no hung and I believe paid for by a special contributor. The weather has improved to the point that the asphalt is being laid down and the steamrollers were hard at work paving.  It reminded me of the work you see on the resurfacing of a highway. The actual field space has been grated and a layer or two of fine granulated mix has  been raked in and also paved, and all is in place for the foundation of the artificial turf.  A lot of hustle and bustle was going on especially with electricians and other specialists at work.  Let's hope that the weather will continue to cooperate and the completion will remain on schedule.

Sorry, meant to say the the netting is now in place.

Excellent, finally some good news about the project.  Could you guys visualize where the seating for track meets will be?  From the promo video, it looked like there would be some bleachers on a second floor above the offices near the Elm street entrance.  I sure hope seating was retained in the project.  I hate the absence of accommodations for spectators at the facility at Kent State.


Thanks for the update on the WATTS Center; It sounds spectacular.

Have they completed the outside stonework yet?

Wick 250, there is certainly room on top of the offices for seating.  However, I don't recall any plan for that.  I does appear that for track meets that the corners have a lot of space for bleachers and like Kent State portable bleachers were set up on the inside football field, especially around the finish line and the awards podium.  I expect the same.  Sorry oleYSUfan, we did not notice any stone work on the outside because we were so focused on the inside of Watts.


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