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Mike Cochran as the new strength coach

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Lecter, read between the lines on my comment.  It was a sarcastic approach at Slocum's desire to recruit guards.  Of course, I see he offered another one from Florida, and still no mention of trying to recruit any bigs to help Eargle.

Maybe slocum plans on playing a guard at center.  Mind boggling to think we are concetrating on guards.  I'll stop so some of you don't think I am bashing slocum. 


--- Quote from: Dmorton on April 09, 2011, 01:55:32 AM ---Lecter, read between the lines on my comment.  It was a sarcastic approach at Slocum's desire to recruit guards.  Of course, I see he offered another one from Florida, and still no mention of trying to recruit any bigs to help Eargle.

--- End quote ---

Ya, I got it.


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