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Former Mooney standout Ray Vinopal

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Just confirmed Ray is transferring to Pitt


--- Quote from: GoGuins on March 22, 2011, 02:28:47 PM ---I sent you a PM Lecter

--- End quote ---

The transfer to Pitt is what I knew for sure.  The reason is all hearsay and rumors right now.  You know how this town and how Mooney fans are, can't believe anything.

According to Mooney Nation, every kid that starts for them should be getting a ride, etc. etc. etc.

His old DB coach from Michigan is the DB coach at Pitt now.


--- Quote from: HLecter on March 24, 2011, 01:52:55 PM ---
--- Quote from: GoGuins on March 22, 2011, 02:28:47 PM ---I sent you a PM Lecter

--- End quote ---

According to Mooney Nation, every kid that starts for them should be getting a ride, etc. etc. etc.

--- End quote ---

Heck, I always thought that every kid that plays for them already IS getting a ride!


--- Quote from: YSU45 on March 24, 2011, 04:04:58 PM ---His old DB coach from Michigan is the DB coach at Pitt now.

--- End quote ---

Don't know why Ray would follow him, Tony Gibson is a terrible coach


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