YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Basketball Tournaments

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Pita, I hope you did not think I said football makes money.  I said it does not make money at YSU. It does not pay the bills.  Bills paid for YSU sports come from the general fund by way of a budget signed off by the Athletic department and the trustees.  I have viewed the NCAA records on income and expenses and there is/are some interesting "bookkeeping" going on by the majority of universities.  We are no exception. We generate monies from football yes it is true but not enough to fund all the other sports. Student activity fees taken from the general fund keep our losses at a minimum.  All this information is available on the NCAA site. You know what though, it is ok if you believe what you want. Not bothered at all am I.  Pita you are a true fan.


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