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IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: southbeach on March 14, 2011, 10:19:46 PM ---There are several financial statement available online which are part of althletic dept fillings to the NCAA
which show that our football program does not make money. Also shows that none of our programs make money. Its only the student activity fees that bring our athletic budget into the black. Earliest statements are from 2004. Latest is 2008.

--- End quote ---

The part about general fees is absolutely true. I am not an accountant, but my years at YSU gave me a solid understanding of Finance. I think you are splitting hairs. Everything comes from the general fund, as with most schools that is everything ...which is far from only student fees. Football at YSU generates .5 mil in tickets, almost .5 mil in NCAA monies ($$ games), 125k in concessions,  over 400k in corporate (loges, boxes), 800k in financial guarantees. Probably another .5 to .75 in other monies. I think we also need to realize that we are a non-profit organization. Yes, salaries and scholarships are the biggest non-capitol expense. However, total operating expenses (non salary/scholy) was about 2.6 mil and income was about 2.8 (the vast majority, if not all, coming from football). This is what I am talking about. (FY 2009). If you are looking at the "financials"...compare the line Earned Income to Operating Expenditures. This is what it cost to play sports vs income generated from such.

Thanks AA! I respect your analysis and I will not split hairs with you. We are all Penguins at heart and only want ALL our programs to succeed but you analysis also supports the basis of my argument. That the football program supports all the sports at YSU unless you believe a revenue to expense difference of  $200,000 supports our athletic budget.

IAA Fan:
Agreed we are all Fans!!! I like these topics. You are so right about the total Budget ...we are barley a DI budget. This is part of the reason why I stand behind Strollo, he knows the $$$. Maybe we are not moving forward as quickly as we would like, but we could easily be going backwards in these times as well. That would mean losing programs, or dropping to DII status.

All the more reason why I always purchase a program, Coke, and a pretzel at every game. It may not seem like much, but if everyone spent another $2-$5 each, we could add another $75k to $100k per game. Although I think they better not go any higher on tailgate fees. Last year, everyone was parking and walking in. Lots of complaining being heard. I would like to see them open up a third and even 4th lot. Then lower the price to the $5-$10 range. So:

M3 = $5 (or free with students only)
M26 = $5-$10
M7 = $10-$15
M24/F2 = $15-$20

I firmly believe the students would take to walking across campus to the M3 and/or M26 for some special events. OSU student tailgate lots are great. The expense could be recouped through an on-campus living fee of $5 per quarter. Give them special shirts (like the basketball games), maybe a popular local band. Then have food services (and the on-campus restaurants) cover the food. The increased game attendance will look great.

South Beach and 1AA, best conversations on this web site in quite some time.  Those of us who know what is going on, as to what a great job Strollo and his short handed department performs day in day out, can only be amused at the writings and unsubstantiated statements of those on this site who are clueless.
As Dr. Smith would say "If you don't believe me Look it up"!

With all due respect to previous postings by posters.
Football $$$$ taken in, be it tickets, programs, parking,
concessions whatever, the list can go on forever almost.
How do anyone of you posters KNOW actual figures.  Even
if you had those figures....there are expenses to be paid.
I truly don't have figures either.  I just wonder.  What gives you
PROOF that football makes $$$$.  Somewhere I had read that
so few dollars are made in football by ever so many colleges.

Even if you had an itemized list of intake and output, you would
have to evaluate.  Without those exact figures you can't even
begin.  So Elpenguin, you're right, I don't know what I speak of, but
I have to challenge and say.........."do you???"  REALLY.

This is not intended as an argument........but a desire to reconcile
differences of opinions.....some baseless ....would you agree?


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