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Scalzo's column today in Vindicator

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I would also like a new AD, but I don't condemn Strollo for failing to fix the men's basketball situation that was bad long before he was hired.  Although that would have been nice. My indictment against him as AD has these four counts:

1. deterioration of the football program
2. destruction of the women's basketball program
3. awful performances by women's sports, most notably volleyball and soccer, that are fully funded under Title IX
4. expansion of athletic bureaucracy with money that should be going to coaches and recruiting

IAA Fan:
I personally feel that many of you are not familiar with Ron Strollo's goals as an AD. Strollo was promoted to AD because is a very budget-oriented individual. Remember, as DI schools go ...we are at the bottom in the state of Ohio in terms of $$$$. He also made it his goal to target funds into facilities management. Additionally, we had a few, somewhat serious, issues with compliance under Tressel (as AD). If you look at these areas, he has done a much better job that some of you give him credit for.

Expansions in Beeghly, the new WATTS facility, expansions and new deal with Cene Park. The new weight and training facilities (and don't think Andrews was solely an educational  idea). The housing we have now gives us access to much better athletes. There are more facilities projects slated.

Strollo has represented YSU, the Gateway, and the Horizon in national organizations.

Wick, I think you may have overstated on title-IX. Title-IX requires scholarship equity between genders. So it is a requirement to fund women's sports ...not a means with which to fund them. Granted, it allows more $$$ to be allocated to women's athletics, but it still comes from someone. Strollo has done very well in terms of compliance other than title-IX as well.

Strollo's recent expansion of the Penguin club has been excellent. Other sports are now being given booster organizations, for example, I give every year to grid-iron club and also to Diamond Club (baseball). Softball now has the Gold Glove Club. Other sports booster-clubs are coming.

Sometimes, as fans, we only concentrate on results on the field ...and that is as it should be. However, Strollo's superiors are looking at much more than this. I am not saying that we could not find a better AD ...but I really do not think we can afford one right now. Most high-powered AD's are that way because they are the polar-opposite of Ron Strollo ...they know what they want, and how to obtain it ...as long as the $$$ are there. Ron Strollo gives us what we need, in a budget we can afford. Maybe he was not the best choice for AD; but he was the right choice.

I will be civil and just bite my tongue.

     In my view this is an issue of leadership.  An organization, whether it is professional/ collegiate/ scholastic athletics, business for profit, government, military, etc. reflects the quality and character of its leaders.  Owners (in this case the university Board), executives (the AD) and managers (coach) set goals, provide direction, and assess accountability.  An organization will go only as far as its leaders take it.  How often have you seen a change in leadership make an immediate impact on product, both upward and downward.  Strategies, standard operating procedures and personnel decisions are all concepts leadership can employ to change the product in a positive direction.     

     In YSU’s case, the situation will not improve until the school finds a coach who can make something happen at the grass roots level.  It does not have to be similar to the impact Gary Waters made at Cleveland State.  However, it must be enough to make ownership and executive management notice, and stimulate them to take the next step with additional investment.  Investment breeds success.  Success breeds more success.  Failure, if not addressed, breeds more failure, indifference, apathy and a defeatist attitude, as we have seen. 

     Yes, Slocum was an upgrade over John Robic.  However, he has shown no indication he can move beyond his current performance level.  There is no reason to believe things will magically change in 2011 – 2012.  Unfortunately, ownership and executive management accept this status. 

     There are solutions out there.  The standard arguments against improvement (poor recruiting base, declining economic city, no tradition, underfinanced, etc.), if believed, would lead to the conclusion YSU can never compete.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Kent State and Akron succeed in basically the same environment.  Ownership and executive management must think creatively to find that unique  solution that will work in Youngstown.

GOOD POST Mustache.


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