Author Topic: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands  (Read 3024 times)

Offline Wick250

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Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« on: September 21, 2024, 09:23:01 PM »
Like him or dislike him, we can all agree that Johnson is an unconventional president. A president from an academic background could easily defer to the athletic director about all sports matters. But I wonder if Johnson stays out of this. He inherited this mess, but in a year or two having a garbage football team will be a big stain on his record.

Recently, he announced a substantial gift to YSU athletics. There is the money for the coach buyout if he is so inclined. I don't know the man, but I suspect that like all politicians, he has a big ego. i doubt that he will tolerate a situation where his football team is a laughing stock. I guess we shall see.

Offline YsuPride

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Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2024, 09:36:44 PM »
Good point.

Offline guinpen

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Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2024, 09:57:27 PM »
It seems that Johnson is doing a good job so far and we do not hear anything from his many critics. Of course, the Eastern Gateway issue has helped his cause. So would it be a good/smart move on his part to even get involved in sports?

Maybe there is enough cash to buyout the AD and let the new AD handle it. I am not a RS hater, he has done a good job in many areas, but it is ironic that he has trouble with the one sport he should know the most about.
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Offline Wick250

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Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2024, 10:29:26 PM »
Guinpen, you might be right. My theory is that, since we have now become the new Western Illinois on the gridiron, there will be so much disappointment and anger over one and two win seasons that Johnson will feel compelled to take action.

To your point about Strollo, I will just say that it is common for new university presidents to replace their deans and their athletic directors.

Offline penguinpower

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Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2024, 11:51:50 PM »
Here's my perspective for whatever it's worth.

College football has changed dramatically over the last few years. With NIL and the transfer portal, the gap between FCS and FBS will change and has changed.

We lost a lot of key players to the transfer portal last year, especially on defense.  We have a new DC (my understanding) too.  The defense is a mess as a result.  We also have a limited QB (probably a good kid, but no threat to throw). 

Unless we spend a lot of money on the roster, this will continue.  We are a developmental program.  We develop people only to have them transfer.  The game is far different than it was in the 1990's in terms of recruiting.  It's way different today than it was only a few years ago with the NIL and portal.

Youngstown has averaged a loss of 6% of the population every year since the late 1960's.  We no longer have the talent pool to recruit "the state of Youngstown" and remain relevant. Recruiting is a national thing now if you want to be competitive. 

We probably should have tried to join an FBS conference years ago when we had the fan base. 

I don't know what the answer is except financial resources.  The problem is that things cost a hell of a lot more today due to USD devaluation, and it's impacted every person and corporation.  We need billionaire money to improve the quality of coaching and recruiting.  I can't blame Phillps for all of this.  I can, however, pin some of the stupid mistakes that high school teams make and possibly some personnel decisions on him.  But that's to be expected.

If we want to complete, we are really competing against the transfer portal, NIL, and FCS teams.  To me it's an almost impossible situation to be a coach at our level.  Phillips has always stated that he has a developmental program.  That means since he can't compete for the college ready athlete, he is creative and finds kids that need development.  Some don't have much football experience. But once they're ready and have good film, they're poached. 

How many key people did we lose to the portal?  He demonstrated that he can get some great recruiting classes, and my current understanding is that the kids like him.  But the problem is that it's every person for themselves in today's day and age, and they will transfer because the grass appears to be greener on the other side of the fence.  Many have aspirations of NFL careers regardless of the actual probabilities of achievement.

How is this problem solved?

We were outmatched in size, something that Phillips corrected when he came here after Pellini terrible recruiting. I think Phillips is really trying to recruit the size we need, but he doesn't have it, because the kids that are currently playing aren't supposed to be playiing yet. He just cannot fill the holes left from the portal that quickly.  I think his strategy try to get a few kids that are immediate difference makers to anchor a recruiting class. That's to be expected at our level.  We will never be able to recruit to the likes of Ohio State, but most good teams at our level have a few key players.  Many key players left because of the portal.  We have several FBS players that transfered in, but are they going to be good enough to be key players at the FCS level?  Transfers also affect team dynamics when you have such an influx because it can disrupt culture objectives.

Not trying to black pill everyone here, but the issue is a resource problem from my point of view.  The coach has demonstrated he can get the kids, but we need more money to recruit and retain talent. And we need more money to get better coaches that can also be retained.  The administration's goal should be that YSU is a place where you can develop a coaching staff as well as the players.  And just like players, the coach and it's staff should be measured on their ability to leave for biggerFBS power 5 programs once they demonstrate they're a marketable item.  Instead, we have a coach that cannot obtain or retain great coaches and players and it's because we pay under market values. We need more money.       The only strategy that could work is the promise of greener pastures for the coach and it's staff but money is still needed to retain current players.  For coaches, a single contract in power 5 can be life out in the work here for less and move on once you become marketable.  Basically what I'm trying to convey is that our coaching staff should be graduating to FBS programs just like NDSU and JMU has been doing.  They are replaced with the next generation that wants to build a staff they can take with them.  Look at the coaches on Tressel's staff when he was here.  Many of them were FBS coaches after going to Ohio State. They came here to perfect their craft and then make it ....and there's a lot of egos in the coaching profession l, chance takers that would take this kind of risk, especially with younger ranks of the coaching fraternity.

Also, I watched Narduzzi's post game press conference.  He told the players this was personal and to win this game for his dad and said that he "tattooed" YSU pretty good and it was as they scripted and his dad is smiling down on the win.  Not that it mattered but he would have hung 100 on us if he could have.

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Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2024, 11:53:12 PM »
Read that second one.  I cleaned it up after I read it but couldn't modify. Perhaps a moderator can delete the first post of mine on this thread

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Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2024, 08:07:11 AM »
all good points penguinpower.   It seems like this program was in a rebuild the whole Phillip's era until last season and it would be smooth sailing ahead, he said it takes years to build a program in the mold of a NDSU especially with building depth at the oline.

The transfer portal situation happened as we all ready know and what YSU got in return didn't fill the void of what was lost and add a 1st year qb and you have our 2024 results.
Does YSU hit the portal this year and bring in a major haul to rectify the program especially with some key losses at Oline and running back ?  As penguinpower said where's the money ?    If college football is about paying players to play can YSU compete ?

The whole time I think about this back to d2 enters my mind but with YSU facilities that makes 0 sense.  I'm ignorant on what YSU nil budget or funding is. Is there real transparency on this issue ? It needs to be on par with the top of the MVFC and i'm probably nieve in thinking it could.  It at least has to superior to Duquense ?

Offline nova75

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Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2024, 10:51:42 AM »
But , does the school community at large really care about the football team success? Or all sports for that matter.   
Do they care enough to invest properly in athletics?

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Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2024, 11:06:51 AM »
What is the significant athletic donation?  Was it the Zoldens donation for Beeghly?  Are there details?

Offline JP21

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Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2024, 12:00:56 PM »
Bottom line is YSU stinks and that's why a bunch of players left.  You don't see NDSU and SDSU having issues with massive amounts of players leaving in the portal. Those guys on defense knew the offensive would be pathetic with Brungard and that there was no QB on the roster that can throw. If you were a player on defense would you want to be on the field all game every game because the QB can't throw the ball down field?  I see Philips getting 1 more year then he is done. 

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Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2024, 12:20:22 PM »
Penguinpower all points about NIL etc I made months ago thanks for solidifying what I said and most people ignored.
It comes down to money and what are the goals set by AD and administration.  With the current state of NIL we spend 4m plus a year if we added another 2 mill a year to retain players we develop and get quality coaches is it enough.
One thing isn’t fair with the nil transfer rule what needs to be done is if a school takes a quality player at our level the school should pay YSU a developmental fee.  Or say they offer one of our players 100k to leave we get a 15% surcharge or something.  The problem got is a power 5 school says hey look go to YSU and if you progress. We will take u 2 years later

Going back to Phillips I do t think he’s the guy for this. He knew he had a qb problem coming and the local guys are not it.  He got lucky that Davidson was here the last 2 years. 

Again what’s the commitment does YSU want?  How do we resurrect a program that had become a dinosaur in FCS. 
Strollo I feel time should end here are his higherd since Heacock Wolford Pelini and Phillips
Again without money and a big donors we are stuck. 
Do we drop down to D2?  Do we change conferences? Can’t move up without major money!
One good thing Penguin Power Patty V is retiring as commissioner! After this year. 
A Penguin for life!!!

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Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2024, 02:01:04 PM »
Everyone else is experiencing the same challenges.  These excuses don't work for me.  Phillips is a people pleaser.  Who would hug Narduzzi after he made him look so bad?  Does he have any self respect?  He should never have been hired as the head coach.  Moreover STROLLO SHOULD HAVE NEVER EXTENDED HIS CONTRACT.  Where are the details of the EXTENSION?

Offline penguinpower

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Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2024, 05:05:19 PM »
Everyone else is experiencing the same challenges.  These excuses don't work for me.  Phillips is a people pleaser.  Who would hug Narduzzi after he made him look so bad?  Does he have any self respect?  He should never have been hired as the head coach.  Moreover STROLLO SHOULD HAVE NEVER EXTENDED HIS CONTRACT.  Where are the details of the EXTENSION?

Not an excuse. We don't have the $$.

That's the problem.  We need people to step up on an annual basis.  It's not all about the facilities anymore.  It's what you can get on a personal level

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Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2024, 05:07:21 PM »
But , does the school community at large really care about the football team success? Or all sports for that matter.   
Do they care enough to invest properly in athletics?

Great point.  The answer is either no, or no one has even thought about it.  I think the latter is just as likely

Offline penguinpower

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Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2024, 05:08:30 PM »
Everyone else is experiencing the same challenges.  These excuses don't work for me.  Phillips is a people pleaser.  Who would hug Narduzzi after he made him look so bad?  Does he have any self respect?  He should never have been hired as the head coach.  Moreover STROLLO SHOULD HAVE NEVER EXTENDED HIS CONTRACT.  Where are the details of the EXTENSION?

He's really not a bad coach. That's where everyone is off base.  We don't pay.