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YSU and the MAC

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Can you imagine a home game vs kent or Akron.  Would be a huge crowd for both.

Fantasy versus Reality. Your dreams are pure fantasy unless you can explain how we are going to increase our athletic budget by 15 MILLION DOLLARS. Each and every year, 15 million additional dollars. That is impossible, and if you consider this with your intellects instead of your emotions, you would arrive at the same conclusion.

I just cannot wrap my head around all these reasons as to why we can or cannot afford to move up. I read posts that explain how it can be done, and they make sense, and then posts that explain why it is crazy to even consider it and they make sense.

I try to be a logical person and when I have seen so many schools make the move in the past years, some used to be D2, logic makes me wonder why they are able to do it but not YSU. What would make us so different, why would we be unique?

The landscape of college sports is changing at an alarming rate, and not for the best in my opinion, but the change is not going to stop any time soon. I can only hope that our leadership has the vision and wisdom to position us where we need to be, but I am not as confident as I was years ago.

I suggested a few years ago. We either need to drop down in division or go into a different conference like NEC and become the big fish in the conference, kinda like Mount Union is where they make the playoffs every year and people like winners and help build a base it’s either that or go up division but stay where we’re at does nothing to enhance or improve the fanbase, etc., some of you think Staying in the conference it’s such a great thing because it’s a toughest one in FCS.    But that only works if you’re a big winner and have rivalry which we have either, it’s destroyed everything that was accomplished 30 years ago. Yes, I said 30 years ago we will become a irevelant Not just nationally but locally.  It’s time to have a vision instead of staying with the status quo. 

Double ET:
In my time associated with the university, I have seen many studies done on why we couldn’t afford to do it ( mostly from the faculty union on why we shouldn’t be doing it) and I have not yet seen one on what it takes to do it by looking at the entire business case ( how could we do it).

To get this done, someone in the university needs to push, sell and justify it by building a business case which
needs to include the following (at a minimum)

 True cost on scholarships - as I mentioned in my previous post that the cost is less than the number of the additional scholarships multiplied by the cost per scholarship

Additional revenue by playing regional rivalries home and away plus couple big money games with the big boys

Support by deep pocket donors

Increase in ticket prices

 Reduction in travel costs (within neighboring states)

Impact of increased scholarships on other YSU sports

Realignment on other sport conferences (Horizon, MVFC….)

Additional TV revenue and advertising revenue

Impact of name exposure on potential increase in student enrollment

Others ( that I didn’t mention or I am not smart enough to think of…)

I don’t know if it is feasible. But I know if nobody in the administration of the university is willing to take ownership to move this forward, it will never happen.

I hate to say, with the change of landscape in NCAA, I don’t know if the current path will be sustainable. This is like trying to row a boat upstream. We either moved up (rowing hard) or it would move down  (naturally)  but we won’t be able to stay where we are at.

Am I all wet?


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