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YSU and the MAC

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delusional is thinking staying in FCS a good idea. Enjoy irrelevancy and the and the 600 fans per game. Rather play on national TV a few games a year and get to a meaningless bowl game then play in a meaningless division for a meaningless playoffs they we wont ever win again either. Drop down to division II then for all that.

Double ET:

--- Quote from: goodnews on June 19, 2024, 12:41:21 PM ---Absolutely delusional.  My concern is we're closing to being in the NEC for football.  I can see it now.  YSU in the NEC western division with Mercyhurst, Robert Morris, Duquesne and St Francis.

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Look at the bright side, we would probably make the playoff every year. lol
Someone (AD and/ or administration will need to put a business case together to see what it takes to join the MAC.
It has been reported that it will cost $15M to make the move up. Let us find out how much the donors are willing to fund the program.
From a business standpoint, if we could play 2 more money games, we would get another $1M. At fbs, we need to fund 30 more scholarships. At $20,000/players, that will be $600k plus room and board.  However, what is the true cost to the university since the tuition is funny money we pay ourselves (not to mention we will get money from state subsidies).I don’t know if the university has ever hire more faculty to teach the additional athletes.
When I was a faculty member, I regularly had 2-3 athletic students in my classes. I just taught them as part my class (sometimes as over loads). It didn’t cost the university any additional $$.
Joining the MAC, we might generate higher revenue by playing our regional competitors such as Akron, Kent, Ohio, Toledo…
I don’t know what the true cost will be by joining MAC. In the last 20 years working in the university, I have not ever seen any business case or analysis being done to see if it is feasible.
My gut feeling is that , if we continue to go on the present path, we will continue to go downward until no one will watch the game anymore since the product will no longer be desirable to the fans. I, for one, will not be interested in watching teams like Mercyhurst, Duquesne, Robert Morris, Valpo, Butler….
My 2 cents worth.
It takes money to make money. We will continue to save money into oblivion.


--- Quote from: Cimo7 on June 19, 2024, 01:22:18 PM ---delusional is thinking staying in FCS a good idea. Enjoy irrelevancy and the and the 600 fans per game. Rather play on national TV a few games a year and get to a meaningless bowl game then play in a meaningless division for a meaningless playoffs they we wont ever win again either. Drop down to division II then for all that.

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The fee to move to from FCS to FBS is $5 million alone. Then you'd have more money that you'd have to throw at the football staff alone nevertheless the millions you'd need to upgrade your facilities to MAC standards... YSU doesn't have THAT kind of money laying around, especially given the current state of academic programs they're cutting left and right. It's just the reality you're going to be faced with.

I believe the added football scholarships would require us adding more womens sports or getting rid of mens.

Sadly it would seem that FCS football is on death’s doorstep. Recent teams moving to FBS is only the beginning. Whether we want to believe it or not, the MAC is a better place for kids to play than FCS. It doesn’t matter that the top couple of teams in FCS could beat them regularly, it is D1 FBS. Period. FCS is basically a farm system at this point, with minimal interest except for a handful of schools.


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