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YSU to Name Ethan Faulkner MBB Coach!

<< < (22/30) > >>

Looks like we offered a high school junior a scholarship from Virginia.   Trey Henderson.

There's no way DJ Burns is NBA material

Burns too small and not enough talent.   He was good for us but overseas better option

He'll play over seas and make some decent cash.  Very versatile .  Can handle the ball and his 3 point shooting will probably get better in Europe.   One of the best rebounders in YSU history.  Love his effort and ethuiasm,


--- Quote from: ucfpengbuck on May 22, 2024, 01:36:02 PM ---He'll play over seas and make some decent cash.  Very versatile .  Can handle the ball and his 3 point shooting will probably get better in Europe.   One of the best rebounders in YSU history.  Love his effort and ethuiasm,

--- End quote ---



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