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Report: Coach to Utah State?

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His decision is based on money and money alone.

It was a good run under coach C and I'm grateful that he came here and worked hard to get YSU to the top of the league.  I wish Jerrod the best of luck and success at Utah State.

My gut tells me that Ethan Faulkner might be the next coach and he was probably influential in getting Dynes,Adrian Nelson,and Langdon with his backround at N Kentucky.   Bottom line is can he recruit and navigate the transfer portal and the NIL game like Calhoun did.   Not sure if he has the Charisma that Coach C has but he might have other gifts that can lead the program.   

My vote is for Faulkner.

Take NDSU’s Coach Dave Richman!!!!   He’s all yours!!!


--- Quote from: YsuPride on March 30, 2024, 09:46:46 AM ---My vote is for Faulkner.

--- End quote ---

I 2nd that vote.   The guy has been at YSU five seasons so i'm sure he has established some ties and ralationships with the hs coaches through out the area.  Hopefully he can keep some of the guys while a new coach might cause an overall exodus. 
It seems it would be a easy transition and I'm hoping he can keep the momentum going.


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