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Horizon League Coaches/Portal

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--- Quote from: YsuPride on March 19, 2024, 05:55:02 PM ---Anthony Breland just entered the portal.   Male that three.

--- End quote ---

When the coaching staff decides to redshirt a player I wonder if this the player like Breland is good with it knowing he's on a senior loaded team and you would think he would come back as a red-shirt frosh and EARN playing time.  Is there a disconnect?  maybe after practicing the player might not see a future on the team and sees himself at a lower level.  Perhaps the coach tells him maybe he has deficiencies in his game which they should of known when they recruited him.

I'm throwing a lot out there and maybe over thinking these transfers and don't want to even think that coach C might be tough to play for but I'm not seeing that.

I'm getting sick of this!  Coach recruits his arse off only to have any decent players we get leave!  Thanks NCAA!  I guess they only want the power schools to prosper while the rest of college sports suffers!  Nice!

Lets hope this is not a trend.   When is enough enough

The NCAA should have learned from Major League Baseball. For years, MLB used the reserve clause to keep their players for as long as they wanted them. The NCAA restrictions weren’t as bad as Major League Baseball but considering that the players received just room, board and tuition when millions were being reaped in by the NCAA and the colleges was extremely unbalanced.

The NCAA when confronted with the amount of money being made by the NCAA and the colleges made no effort to compensate the players. When the courts ruled in the players’ favor, it became like free agency in Major League Baseball…players going to the highest bidder…my team be damned.

If the NCAA had developed a better compensation plan before it went to the courts it may have been able to avoid the runaway freight train it has become.

The cat is out of the bag now and basically all of the power is with the players.  I can't imagine how difficult this is for the coaches.  It's no wonder Nick Saban got out.

It's basically turning into pickup teams every year and you're just cheering for the shirt.  Hard to get attachments to players when they are basically one and done.  If you get 2 years out of a player now that's a lot.


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