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Horizon League Coaches/Portal

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"It's a new reality in college basketball and we all need to get used to any decent player that develops at YSU will look to the open market when the season concludes."

Money is ruining college sports, change is not always for the better.

Anthony Breland just entered the portal.   Male that three. 

Make not male

Penguin Nick:
Everyday I'm losing more and more interest in college sports.  Burns...I hardly knew you. How is it possible that athletes can transfer this many times?  This system is a run-away-train that is destroying college sports.  I can accept one "free" transfer but after that an athlete needs to sit a year. Also, you can only transfer so many college credits, but I doubt if they really care about graduating.  I'm sick of all this s#+t.  Please tell me how this is making college sports better? Everyone complained about the over-reaching power of the NCAA but I for one miss them.

for years the complaint was that it was not fair to the athletes that they got nothing but free room and board and a degree, while the school would get all the money. To some degree that was a fair statement, but as often happens in this country anymore in our never-ending quest for fairness to all we have screwed it up bigtime. Not sure that they can get the horses back in the barn.

College sports has lost its innocence and a lot of its appeal.


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