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Horizon League Tourney Seeding

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Calhoun and staff need to go after 3 point shooters and defenders in the off season.


--- Quote from: Penguin Nick on March 13, 2024, 09:21:04 AM ---I've been depressed for a week now.  Did Calhoun have any type of press conference yet?  Other than the end of game comments, I haven't seen an interview or read anything in the paper.  He talked about this years team from the beginning as if they could walk on water - obviously they sank.  I want to hear from him, in his opinion, what went wrong and in the future will he sign so many 1-year and done players.  This years team really made me appreciate last years team.

--- End quote ---

Been thinking the same. 

And obviously the NIT is out of the picture.  I'm not sure there is any other option other than the CBI.  In one of those end of the year press conferences it kind of seemed like NCAA or bust.

Before Oakland, we were the only team to beat Milwaukee in the last 9 games.  Considering we couldn't beat CSU at home without their best player, even had we won I don't think we could have beat NKU, Milwaukee or Oakland.

We need tougher players and better shooters.  Those teams all had a go to guy too which we didn't this year

From what I've heard, the team has decided to sit out any potential smaller postseason tournaments. The cost is too high to do so and most of the team is leaving the program because they're seniors. Had this team been younger, they would have taken the added cost to help grow the team. Being that this was an older team, wasn't worth the money to go play in a meaningless tournament.

You can only go to the well so many times for $$$$$.  Im sure the guys that are paying for the Beeghly upgrades are also the guys that would pay for the tournament. 

Both of the above comments are what I was thinking. 

Coach was all about the opportunity in the past about playing in post season then COVID ruined an appearance in the CIT, then it was getting into The Basketball Classic, and the NIT last year. 

Add in the fact that both the CIT and TBC are gone and the NIT has thumbed its nose at mid majors.

I just get the feeling there's a lot of disappointment & evaluations going on.

I love Coach Calhoun and what he's done for basketball and the team has basically improved every year and played well down the stretch until conference play and tournament play.  It has to be frustrating cause I know how it is for all of us the fact of only one semi-final appearance since he's been here for 7 years despite 5 straight winning seasons.


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