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YSU Beeghly facilities upgrade

<< < (2/13) > >>

     Will the project be constructed with cast iron risers, encased in concrete, with seats bolted to the infrastructure?  This design concept would be similar to the seating behind the baskets but with chair backs?  Or will it be a 2024 version of what exists on the lower tiers, retractable chair back seats on a wood base with a bit more space?

     Reading between the lines of the Tribune/Vindy articles suggests it may be the latter.     

As I understand it, the new seats will still be roll back like the current seats. The lower level will have arm rests and cup holders. The upper seats will be chair back, but no arm rests or cup holders. Seats will be larger and more space in front for leg room.

Too bad they didn't provide more leg room in the football chairbacks.

Still would like to know if seats will be on the floor level behind each hoop. Anyone know?

We need Gans directly behind the hoop to create a distraction to opposing teams

Fans behind the hoop is what I meant to say.


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