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YSU Beeghly facilities upgrade

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I have been on record as a Strollo critic for decades, but the development of the physical athletic plant has actually been Strollo's best achievement.

In no particular order, he secured private funding for the Watts Center, the soccer, softball, and track complex, and the multimedia center inside the stadium. He also secured funding for areas inside Beeghly that fans don't usually see, such as the weight room, video room, and locker rooms. Redoing the lobbies before the seating was certainly a mistake, but overall Strollo has been solid in regards to facilities.

Any updated pics floating around? 


--- Quote from: goodnews on June 08, 2024, 04:29:53 PM ---Any updated pics floating around?

--- End quote ---

Dana Balash from WFMJ posted this on X:

Womens Volleyball released schedule and they dont have a home match until September 20th against Kent.  So, looks like at least another 90 days until Beeghly is finished.  Also, I'm sure if it's not ready they'll move the match to Kent. 

Anymore updates or pics???


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