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YSU Beeghly facilities upgrade

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The University better not be spending ANY $ on the renovations.  It had better be funded exclusively by outside donors.  Especially after what the administration just did to the Dana School of Music.


--- Quote from: robmat2571 on March 30, 2024, 08:41:15 PM ---The University better not be spending ANY $ on the renovations.  It had better be funded exclusively by outside donors.  Especially after what the administration just did to the Dana School of Music.

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Every single donor has come from private donations. Calm down, Karen.


--- Quote from: goodnews on March 30, 2024, 12:30:20 AM ---With Calhoun gone maybe just the wooden bleachers are being replaced as WKBN reported. Its possible the money line is being pulled!!!!!!!

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No money is being pulled. WKBN is the worst at reporting in the area.

33yo, there are over a thousand alumni who have recently sworn to never attend another event at YSU due to the mismanagement of the finances and what that has caused at YSU.  When the attendance at football and MBB drop next year, the University will be wishing they treated some alumni better. Many of us WERE season ticket holders.   

Thats the American way now. Cancel whatever u don't agree with.  Like a spoiled kid cry cause u don't get your way. Bye -bye. U can't please em all! Onward and upward!


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