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Double ET:
We must the perimeter to stop them from making too many 3’s.
If Gabe returns (?) today, between Iman and Gabe, I doubt very much pfw guards would try too many layups. They probably would kick the ball back outside to swing to find an open man for the jump shots. Our guards need to stay tight to their men and help each other out on defense.

Kind of a disjoined first half.  Looked like early on, YSU was going to dominate getting up 8 and should have been more.  PFW went on a run kind of like the 2nd half of their first matchup just not as bad.  Then both teams couldn't buy a basket.  YSU got down 4 then closed out the first half pretty strong up 3, which I'll take for as ugly as it was.

Rush's 3 fouls hurt YSU's offense and Ziggy isn't having a good game at all just 1-6 from the field, only 2 rebounds, and 3 bad turnovers.

YSU is just 3-5 from the FT line and that includes missing a front end of a 1 & 1.    PFW has gotten to the line 15 times, but have missed 5 of them. 

Has YSU played at this location?  I'm sure they have, but I don't remember it...seems like they've played mainly at the Fort Wayne War Colisueum.  This reminds me of a high school gym.

What a horrible start to the 2nd half

Double ET:
Guys are not playing with intensity. Pfw is getting too many open looks from outside. Pfw’s screening to get the shutters open has been impressive.
Need better shooting from From Burns and Reed. We also had some careless passes.

Fought back to make it a game at the 8-minute timeout with getting the ball inside and getting to  the line, but definitely lacking intensity much of the game.  YSU can't buy a 3 


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