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Big game today

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I did not see a 30-point blowout coming over NKU!   Need to take care of Wright State Thursday night!  Think about all our losses. Michigan Oakland twice NKU, Louisiana and Dayton!  Could have on won every game except Michigan!
Three blowout wins in a row!   I'm not sure anyone wants to play YSU right now!

4099 vs Oklahoma St in NIT with stands filled last year and 6001 today with them pushed in?


--- Quote from: PENS16 on January 28, 2024, 06:36:12 PM ---4099 vs Oklahoma St in NIT with stands filled last year and 6001 today with them pushed in?

--- End quote ---

Numbers can be whatever you want them to be. Key is if there is any advantage to over or under report.

It was a nice crowd either way.

I agree nice crowd but they need to put other side up and create room for everyone. Where I sat it was like a shoe horn.   Better parking can be expected for rest of season rt?  That was a debacle.  More competent ticket takers and more areas open.   Even if someone has to take tickets and cash for parking standing outside.  Simple solution or open up the other side of the main parking lot with someone giving out the parking pass.  It seemed like University didn't expect a crowd like that I think it caught them off guard. Where were the programs??

They had programs in the main lobby, but they weren't laying out and I had to ask.

The whole parking, ticket scenario has annoyed me ever since YSU has started getting crowds the last few years.  It's so chaotic with all the doors and who is selling tickets and which ones accept credit cards, and there's no room to stand and then they are trying to scan tickets.  It takes forever to get people through.

I can't believe the city is happy about the bottlenecks with traffic.  People that weren't going to the game were getting frustrated and almost causing accidents trying to get through. 

That was definitely the biggest crowd of the year, but the whole counting attendance is a mystery.  Coach seemed upset last year and early this year on the numbers.  Almost sounds like the 6001 figure was just thrown out there.  There's no way there were 2672 at the Wright State game and 6001 on Sunday.  There were more people but not over 3300 more!

YSU has done a much better job of promoting the events, promotions, getting kids there, etc. but they have to make things more streamlined or people aren't going to want to come back.

They obviously have no intentions of lowering the other grandstands.  If they didn't do it for the Oklahoma St. game last year or the Wright State game or Sunday they aren't going to.  They are using that area for pre and post game stuff.


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