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Now that you know the final 4 teams where are we in the top 25?

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Based on our losses which is the best way to rate us at this point. We belong at 9 or 10.  Very good season.  Fun to watch.  With a better d line we could have easily beat Villy.  Remember Mitch was off in that  game compared to the great year he had.  We only lost to SDSU, OSU as substantial losses.  Vilinova was a better team but we were competitive and they gave SDSU a game.  Our other 2 losses to uni and USD were both very good teams and they were very close games.  In both those games refs apologized midweek upon review for making critical mistakes incalls that could have changed the outcome of the game.  As far as our conference goes we are the 4 th best team. SDSU, USD, ndsu, YSU, uni, und, ISU...  That's how I place the conference for relevant teams.

IAA Fan:
Guinpen, your comment that maybe we were better than UNI is true in my opinion. Not better, but equal. I saw us beating them this year because we had a better QB then they expected, and that loss dictated the rest of the season. JCrum you cannot agree on ignoring the offense, work on a bad defense and ignore the fact that Davidson had very little protection against Villanova. The Nova defense got equal penetration across the line. It was not just ends, it was everyone. We did not have the ability to protect the QB and make holes. This is not defense. Look how overweight 2 or 3 of our offensive front linemen are. This is basic stuff. Exercise and nutrition. I mean fans in the stands were talking about it almost every home game. We still have a very knowledgeable fan base.

Haha.  Lots to think about in this thread. Someone just said this board is hating.  We can’t do that!!!  Palladian and nation have been calling this the cheerleader board for far too long.

Tressel, attendance, the 90’s OH MY!!! To be clear on some of the posts, Heacock got us in the playoffs once in ‘06.   The Wolf couldn’t win in November let alone win enough to make the playoffs.

Funny how no one mentions big BP much. You talk sooo much about kids coaching kids but fail to remember what HIS staff consisted of.  Maybe it’s NOT about inexperienced staff or the lack of money but rather, we just haven’t found another Tressel. Hate to break it to ya…we probably wont. JT, attendance AND the 90’s were an anomaly.  Not likely to happen again.  Look at the crumble happening in NDSU.  And look at the attendance at Nova. If memory serves me, I heard 5k fans?  And what did we have the week before, 3,500?  Man…that’s a helluva margin.  What’s that tell you?  ITS. NOT. JUST. YSU. And who said NDSU attendance is even falling? And they’re only a COUPLE years removed from their dynasty.

Hate to break THIS to you also.  IF we happen to be ranked top 10 this year, I’d say that’s not too shabby, actually. 

Look, I get it…I want to be a power house. I wish the 90’s never happened as even I want that again. 

I’d say, be satisfied with the very small incremental progress we have made over the last few years and go to church.  Cuz ain’t too many more flags gonna be hung without some prayer and another anomaly.



--- Quote from: YSU FAN#34 on December 12, 2023, 04:59:48 PM ---Haha.  Lots to think about in this thread. Someone just said this board is hating.  We can’t do that!!!  Palladian and nation have been calling this the cheerleader board for far too long.

Tressel, attendance, the 90’s OH MY!!! To be clear on some of the posts, Heacock got us in the playoffs once in ‘06.   The Wolf couldn’t win in November let alone win enough to make the playoffs.

Funny how no one mentions big BP much. You talk sooo much about kids coaching kids but fail to remember what HIS staff consisted of.  Maybe it’s NOT about inexperienced staff or the lack of money but rather, we just haven’t found another Tressel. Hate to break it to ya…we probably wont. JT, attendance AND the 90’s were an anomaly.  Not likely to happen again.  Look at the crumble happening in NDSU.  And look at the attendance at Nova. If memory serves me, I heard 5k fans?  And what did we have the week before, 3,500?  Man…that’s a helluva margin.  What’s that tell you?  ITS. NOT. JUST. YSU. And who said NDSU attendance is even falling? And they’re only a COUPLE years removed from their dynasty.

Hate to break THIS to you also.  IF we happen to be ranked top 10 this year, I’d say that’s not too shabby, actually. 

Look, I get it…I want to be a power house. I wish the 90’s never happened as even I want that again. 

I’d say, be satisfied with the very small incremental progress we have made over the last few years and go to church.  Cuz ain’t too many more flags gonna be hung without some prayer and another anomaly.


--- End quote ---

NDSU isn't selling out their games this year after their losses. It's a fact. Maytthat changes with playoffs


--- Quote from: YSU FAN#34 on December 12, 2023, 04:59:48 PM ---Haha.  Lots to think about in this thread. Someone just said this board is hating.  We can’t do that!!!  Palladian and nation have been calling this the cheerleader board for far too long.

Tressel, attendance, the 90’s OH MY!!! To be clear on some of the posts, Heacock got us in the playoffs once in ‘06.   The Wolf couldn’t win in November let alone win enough to make the playoffs.

Funny how no one mentions big BP much. You talk sooo much about kids coaching kids but fail to remember what HIS staff consisted of.  Maybe it’s NOT about inexperienced staff or the lack of money but rather, we just haven’t found another Tressel. Hate to break it to ya…we probably wont. JT, attendance AND the 90’s were an anomaly.  Not likely to happen again.  Look at the crumble happening in NDSU.  And look at the attendance at Nova. If memory serves me, I heard 5k fans?  And what did we have the week before, 3,500?  Man…that’s a helluva margin.  What’s that tell you?  ITS. NOT. JUST. YSU. And who said NDSU attendance is even falling? And they’re only a COUPLE years removed from their dynasty.

Hate to break THIS to you also.  IF we happen to be ranked top 10 this year, I’d say that’s not too shabby, actually. 

Look, I get it…I want to be a power house. I wish the 90’s never happened as even I want that again. 

I’d say, be satisfied with the very small incremental progress we have made over the last few years and go to church.  Cuz ain’t too many more flags gonna be hung without some prayer and another anomaly.


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Nice now someone's speapking english ^^ Wolford couldn't hold Heacocks jock..


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