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IAA Fan:
I would be all over Long Beach CC. That conference gets some great players from the LA Catholic schools.  We had that stud from Mater Dei come out of there. He played for Heacock and was 'all everything'  and a pro tryout. Cannot remember his name.

go guins:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on December 06, 2023, 07:13:00 AM ---Make it 10.... Jordan Trowers gone. It's eye opening this amount of good players leaving. Shows you the incompetence of the coaching staff. Players know...

--- End quote ---
Good player?  Dylan and Howard maybe but not Jordan

go guins:

--- Quote from: YsuPride on December 11, 2023, 09:13:19 PM ---BB IS NOT THE ANSWER.  TRUST ME.

--- End quote ---
Because he's short?  6/4 beats 6/0. No argument  But BB is about the same as BM with Tampa Bay Bucks.  You can win in 1aa football at 6/0. I'm big on Beau. Also big on RB Harris. Transfer TE Bray will be huge help (literally and figuratively)  We'll score enough. (28 against Villanova). We just gave up too many. We lost most if defense but it wasn't worth keeping.
Good God Jordan Trowers couldn't cover me! 

I see where DE- Andres Lehrman 6' 2" 255 (Youngstown State) was picked up by Montana.

We have lost defensive players to much greener pastures.  Are the defensive coaches not good and did we have bad Skeems? Makes one think maybe we had the talent but not correct coaching on defensive side.  Anyone got  info ?


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