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Football: 2024 and Beyond

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go guins:

--- Quote from: YsuPride on January 16, 2024, 05:19:54 PM ---It will be another rebuilding year.  The transfers in are not that good.  Most of them were bench sitters including the one from Gannon I believe.   Just saying.   We will be hard stretched to win 5 games

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Howard will be a noticeable loss. Probably our best D player Hooker will be missed too. But honestly the rest leaves playing time for potentially better players. We really needed a better pass rush last year and honestly I'm not sure where that will come frome but BAD will not be worse TE will be noticeably improved blocking with Bray. I think RB will be equal to improved. Secondary almost by default as bad as it was last year.  You say transfers in not that good. I say transfers out not that good. Were probably half right
 We'll see. I say 8 wins.

6-6 record as of now. 

Double ET:

--- Quote from: YsuPride on January 17, 2024, 05:26:48 PM ---6-6 record as of now.

--- End quote ---

It will be hard to win 8 games without an experienced QB.

5 wins

For those that are predicting gloom and doom next season, please keep in mind that, with the exceptions of SDSU and NDSU, every other team in the league has issues and uncertainty. Like us, most teams will need to break in new quarterbacks. In the new world of college football, just because a team was good or bad in 2023 does not automatically mean that they will repeat that performance in 2024. Look at South Dakota as a classic example. They were terrible in 2022; a seeded playoff team in 2023.

My main concern for next season is not the talent level; it is the incompetence of our defensive coaches.


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