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NCAA football

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The recent announcement of Delaware moving to 1A is just another baby step toward the needed restructure of NCAA football. At one time 1AA and 1A provided a decent boundary between the big boys and not so big boys. Sure there were 1A leagues that were 1A in name only, can we say mac, but for the most part it worked.

No surprise but money has changed the landscape and now the gap within 1A is out of control. The real big boys have positioned their leagues partially by cherry picking from other leagues and securing crazy tv deals so the gap between them and the pretend 1A leagues is massive. So many schools from 1AA and even D2 have moved to 1A that the bottom of 1A is so diluted it is a joke.

The lower tier 1A schools can boast that they are 1A and for sure they do make twice the money for playing a money game as a 1AA school would. Pride will never allow any of these leagues/school ( mac ) to move to 1A.

Will the NCAA ever create another level to separate the real big boys from the wannabe big boys, will nothing change or will the real big boys leave the NCAA?

fairly soon it will be 64 teams in 4 conferences each broken in 2 divisions .the division champs will play for the conference titlle and the four left will play for the championship. no ncaa. the rest will have to figure out what to do.

The only reason that the P5 powers put up with the NCAA is their desire to also dominate the basketball tournament money. I wonder when the NCAA basketball contract with the networks runs out. Also I wonder what kind of language is contained in that contract. If the P5 powers secede from the NCAA, they would start their own basketball tournament and the networks would follow. If that happens, the NCAA is completely out of business.


I have been saying the same thing for years, but nothing seems to change on a large scale. When are schools like Akron and Kent going to move to 1AA or another future lower division? I have been saying for years that Akron and Kent cannot keep spending the amount they do on football and losing money, but they do. When and what will be the tipping point for major change?

It cost much money to move up to FBS.


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