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NCAA Playoffs Week 2: YSU at Villanova Saturday 12/2 at 12pm

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--- Quote from: goodnews on December 02, 2023, 03:02:58 PM ---The sad thing is there are alot of very good D2 and D3 coaches in Ohio and Pennsylvania.  Unfortunately our vetting process is who know not what you know.

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Our oc lacks creativity and our dc is incompetent. I agree that there are a sufficient number of talented x and o coaches in the midwest that are making less than we pay our assistants today.  Find them and hire them. These defensive MISTAKES and BREAKDOWNS cannot continue!


--- Quote from: YsuPride on December 02, 2023, 03:15:43 PM ---Why didn't they put Brungard in at the end to get him game experience throwing and not to run?  We do have alot coming back but the QB position is not good at all with Mitch leaving.   I think King may have another year from what I hear .   We battled but too much Villanova

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There's no way that Brungard can be the starting quarterback and why is she remain competitive. He doesn't have the size.  I like the kid but I just don't think he's our guy.

YSU needs to stop the BS that they don’t have money. Pay people well and your team will get better coaching. Phillips has a good thing going but if YSU insists on paying assistants $40k-$50k then you’ll always have young under qualified people as assistant coaches.

We lost to a better team, I need to ponder the game and the season.

The defense is just awful.  Villanova had 19 first downs and 466 yards.  The average completion for them was 22 yards and average rush attempt was 6 yards.  Say what u want about developing players but we need to recruit speed and athleticism to compete and close the gap. 


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