YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

NCAA Playoffs Week 2: YSU at Villanova Saturday 12/2 at 12pm

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Most of those fans lived in the Philadelphia area I believe.

Ysu has a good following in the east because of Jaworski I would think

Massey Computer Rankings, which seem pretty accurate to me in terms of predictions has our game very close

It's prediction is 30-27 with Villanova having a 57% chance to win

They run a 3-3-5.  Licking our chops if they stay in that defense.

I was at the 1997 game. Many from the valley traveled to the game and stayed at a hotel owned by Ron Jaworski. At that point we had more fans than ever so a large group traveled. Their field at the time was at the level of a typical lower tier high school stadium. Not sure if they play at the same place or not. We were behind big and I think got a blocked punt and Harry Deligeonus (sp) wrecked havoc on their qb from the Dline position at the end of the game. He was unlockable.  Great win. The trip home that night was terrible with a snowstorm making driving a challenge, but we were all happy!  Hope we can repeat this Saturday.


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