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Playoffs if we win this week @ Murray State?

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The YO Show:
Unfortunately, I am thinking YSU is not that great right now odds wise for making playoffs. On paper it is somewhat between 60-70% odds, but they still need some help this weekend. If UNI wins consider playoffs gone.


--- Quote from: The YO Show on November 16, 2023, 10:01:08 AM ---jcrum is right, Neel is wrong. NDSU needs to beat UNI in order for the penguins to have any hope of making playoffs.

So rest easy guinpen, you can root against the Panthers this weekend.

--- End quote ---


Would not Northern Iowa get in over YSU at 5-3(6-5) even if they lose? They beat us and would finish ahead of us in the conference. If YSU wins and ND and NDS lose, YSU would finishes tied for 4th with Illinois State and YSU beat them. Not sure committee would take 4 top teams in conference, but I believe this is our best chance.

Good point 1982 however without 2 fbs games and our schedule I would think total d 1 wins is more important than conference schedule.  That's my though.  At one time you needed 7 d1 wins to be eligible.  I think they have allowed 6 to get teams in however there had to be a severe sos difference which I don't think there is this year. What helps us this year is some solid wins against Good teams.  Just my thoughts .  I guess win fist Saturday and see what happens. 


--- Quote from: ysu1982 on November 16, 2023, 12:45:01 PM ---Would not Northern Iowa get in over YSU at 5-3(6-5) even if they lose? They beat us and would finish ahead of us in the conference. If YSU wins and ND and NDS lose, YSU would finishes tied for 4th with Illinois State and YSU beat them. Not sure committee would take 4 top teams in conference, but I believe this is our best chance.

--- End quote ---

Outside of the regular season conference champion, I do not believe anywhere in the NCAA FCS Playoff Criteria does it reference the conference rankings themselves. Unfortunately for UNI, you blew it last week when you got destroyed by Missouri State. Yes they would be in if they win as they'd have the H2H edge over NDSU, YSU, ILSU, and UND, all teams they beat. However, if they lose and finish 6-5, they have nobody to blame but themselves for missing out. They were on the verge of a seed if they had won out, but they laid an egg!

To me the best path is this:
- Obviously beat Murray State!
- NDSU over UNI - To me this is the single biggest game this weekend to improve our odds. Knocks UNI out.
- ILSU over UND - Knocks UND out and gets ILSU to 7 wins which helps our resume with the H2H.

If the above happens, we should be the 4th team in out of Valley ahead of SIU with the H2H, although they could get in as the 5th team in this scenario. We will talk about this in great depth tonight on our WeAreYoungstown weekly Twitter space.



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