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YSU Hosts #1 South Dakota State

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The YO Show:
I am really disappointed in the student section basically 6 students 😔

Double ET:
When you play the #1 team in the country and you have shown little ability to stop them, you need to play to win.
Our play calling and decision making by the coaching staff have been terrible all season long.

We just gave up along kickoff as well as a td reception to start the 2nd half. This we’ll be ugly.

I thought it was just me who noticed I pathetic play calling all season!  Guess not!

Double ET:

--- Quote from: Dmorton on November 11, 2023, 02:06:56 PM ---I thought it was just me who noticed I pathetic play calling all season!  Guess not!

--- End quote ---
No, you are right on. Last game, on 4 th and 10, we had 2 offsite penalties in a row by the same guy to hand the 1 st down.

Any competent coach would have reminded the guys not to jump offsite. The same guy did it twice with a running start to anticipate the snap count. Who are coaching these guys.

Epic fail from coaches, team, fans, athletic Department, marketing of this game. 
Season is done.  SD did what the wanted and even disrespected us by doing the Penguin dance on us
Dollar General budget, gives you this product. Offense has no explosive players other than Oliver, average Rb’s and a system QB.  Defense what Defense.

We will never be an upper tier team in this conference.  Ever. 

How long are we going to stay in a conference that has literally blew up this program and other than a lucky catch  has done nothing but be everyone’s homecoming game. 

Just upset sorry


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