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YSU vs Louisiana mens basketball

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Had some defensive break downs late in the first half especially down low on the left side where the cajuns scored about 3 to 4 times uncontested that gave them a lift going into half time.

Rush had too many unforced turnovers expect better form the team leader.   Liked they way Langdon ran the point and Dynes gave much better play than I would of expected.  Had some nice blocks.

Thought Ziggy was ok and Farmer didn't get going.  Not sure what his game is.

DJ Byrnes played tough and had some phantoms calls that took him out of the game.  Kind of cool to see him rebound and push the ball the other way.   looks like coach wants this team to run and run a lot.

Winnable game but need guys to hit  shots from the perimeter.  Only one game and a long season ahead but need to get better than what we saw last night although the guys did play hard.

going to take a few games until we get our footing and a cohesive unit.  should take only 5 games to do this then lets all start to worry.  We need a go to guy like we had with Cohill.

Just watched the replay.  Very UGLY & sloppy game.  Thought YSU came out with a lot of intensity and played hard.  Should have been up 20 or so early but blew several opportunities to stretch the lead out.  Louisiana went on that run and it just seemed like it was a different game after that.  YSU did come out strong in the 2nd half and got the lead back then that was pretty much it.  No one stepped up. 

Thought YSU played reckless and too much street ball.  The fouls in the 2nd half were ridiculous along with the technical on Lovelace for woofing. 

Very disappointing game for Rush.  Coach was pretty harsh on him in the post-game with Robb Schmidt, and sounded really pissed off & embarrassed for the fans.  Only 4 assists to 17 turnovers is unbelievable.  And hard to believe just 2-23 from 3. 


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